My declaration to myself

It’s over. I’m DONE. I’m taking back my power… permanently.

These were the thoughts that filled my heart and my mind that morning.

I’d made a declaration…

Fear will no longer take up residence in any part of my heart or my mind.

Others’ limited beliefs about what is possible will not affect me because the reality is, ANYTHING is possible.

The past, the uncertainty of the future, body, weight, education, money, political views, others’ opinions, none of this defines who I AM.

I AM a coach, a healer, a leader, and a teacher. I choose to follow my heart, and I serve people from a place of love. God and the Universe have my back.

It’s okay that not everyone understands me… those that are meant to, will.


Ask yourself these powerful questions:

What is holding you back from living life on YOUR terms?

When are you going to take back control of your success?

What is your declaration to yourself… to the world?

I’d love to help you take back your time, balance your life, and achieve your dreams!

Click here to schedule your free Clarity Session.