Since 2007, I’ve had a bee in my bonnet. I’ve told everyone who knows me. I’ve written it. I’ve prayed about it. I’ve dreamt it. I’ve embraced it. I’ve embodied it. I’ve worked for it.
I’m from sunny Saratoga, Ca. ( a small town, in the heart of the Silicon Valley and I think it’s pretty safe to say, “where everybody knows your name.” ) Lately, I’ve been seriously contemplating my path in life- how can I bridge the gap between my personal, spiritual, creative journey and my professional life? All I’ve ever wanted is to align my life in such a way that I do what I love every single day and make a living doing it.
I’ve done it. I’ve found a way. I’m carving my own path. I’m doing what I love. This is my living art project. It’s called, Molly’s life. I’m really enjoying the flow of it all. I’m enjoying the art of creating. I’m enjoying the spiritual thread that runs through every challenge, set back and lesson and I’m enjoying the ride- through and through. I’ve always wanted to let my little light shine. I want it to shine BRIGHT.
I’ve always wanted to have a platform in which I can express myself creatively and I’ve always loved to cook, clean, homestead, live off the land, decorate and eat pie. So I figure, who better to emulate than good ol’ Martha Stewart. She’s all American, classy, and encompasses everything artistic in the kitchen. She doesn’t just focus on cooking, which I have found can become quite mundane if I can’t use it as a creative outlet. She makes decorating look so easy, gardening appear so natural, and gift giving really feel like it came from the heart. Martha Stewart, you’ve got a fan, and her name is Molly Bravo.
Did I mention her voice is therapeutic? I could listen to her speak for hours as she decorates a cake or makes random nic – naks to give away as gifts on a random Tuesday to her nearest friends.
And this my friends, is my goal for the later half of 2019 and beyond. I want my co. Wylder Space to become a brand name that everyone has heard of, kind of like Martha Stewart Living. I want Wylder Space to be a household name. At first my goal was to have that happen by 2015- but by golly- I’m still at it- so let’s shoot for 2023 this go around. To me, 2023 feels like a very attainable goal. I want to continue making content based on all the things I love doing and if nothing else- for my own personal entertainment. Wylder Space TV is a platform in which I’m able to showcase doing what I love to do, every single day- decorating, painting, dressing things up and of course cooking and entertaining and doing all things that make my heart swell with gratitude.
Is this far fetched? Well, fortunately, in this little heart of mine, I don’t believe it is. And thank God for big dreams and baby steps.
Big Dreams and Baby Steps.