My communication with God has always been through the power of prayer. What makes prayer so powerful for me is my faith in the intention of sacred dialog. Prayer is many things to many people and it’s no different for me. When I wish to speak with God or spirit and when I meditate, prayer is the way I hear the answers to my questions. It is also the way I navigate through obstacles, as well as where I get sound advice, love and understanding. Never has that been more important to me than when I had to make the decision to open my own intuitive practice, and eventual company, or two remain in the secure, high paying position I was in.
When I first thought about opening a business, I was very unsure as to whether I could make it work to sustain me financially on its own. Being your own boss takes hard work, courage and the discipline to put in the time to make ends meet. On the other hand, working for someone else takes the pressure off because an employer will shoulder that responsibility for you. This was especially true for me as a single woman.
For several months during that time, I made a point of praying on the issue in my meditations. My prayer was not asking God to make it happen for me. It was actually a request to furnish me with the information I needed to make it happen for myself. I am a firm believer of the adage “God helps those who helps themselves.”
Over time, the practice of prayer in this way made me feel more confident and more able to formulate a plan. I felt less alone because of my spiritual connection. My meditations got stronger, and my prayers we’re starting to be answered in ways that I had not expected. Everything was coming together and I always knew I could anticipate that my prayers were opening me up to a new understanding of how I could embrace making this change in my life.
That was over three decades ago and I am grateful for, and proud of, my business. I have continued to pray, and I continue to see results from that communication. My faith never fails me.
How do you work prayer into your daily life? I’d love to hear from you.