Navneet Pathak Pandit started his career in 2011 and won national awards within two years. While taking his dreams of entertaining people to the next level, Navneet realized the potential of YouTube. In 2011, one fine day, he found himself at a stage and from there on, all he could do was act and perform. The best part of Navneet was his commitment and dedication to fulfill his passion. He always believed in his parent’s teaching that we couldn’t achieve success without proper hard work and discipline. This is how he worked harder and took a step ahead towards his success.
Navneet says time stands at the centre of your life. You never feel like you have enough of it. You want to make the right choices for your future but you’re worried about wasting it. You want to find the right direction before the time runs out.
You’re motivated and ambitious. You want to find the right path and make the right decisions when it comes to your future, but there’s the possibility that you’ll spend months or years pursuing something you that might not be worth your time and effort. Finding the right direction in life is not something that happens to you, it’s something you create. This means that, at some point, you’re going to have to stop thinking about taking action and act.
One of the main reasons people don’t act is that they’re scared. They’re scared of messing up, scared of things not working out and scared of realizing that, actually, what they thought was the “right direction” isn’t right for them at all.
Be Honest About What it is That You Really Want
One source of dissatisfaction for many people is the inability to be honest with themselves about what they really want out of life. Instead of defining what they want out of life and pursuing that, many pursue the lifestyle they believe they are supposed to desire.
There is no right formula for a happy life. If you want a career as an executive at a Fortune 100 firm, that’s great. If your dream job is something low key that allows you to pursue passions outside of work, that’s fine too.
Strive to be a man who is able to rise to the challenge. We can’t shrink away from difficulty. Seek wisdom and have the courage to step out of your comfort zone.
Try anything. Do something.
When you take action and start doing things, you begin to feel better almost immediately. Instead of thinking about some far-off place in your head, full of uncertainty, you will be working on something that is really certain: your actions.
So many times, I got caught up in the chaos of life and was consumed by it, until I realized that, while I cannot control what will happen tomorrow, I can control the actions I take every single day.
Get Passionate About Something
Find your “thing,” then pursue it. It can be work-related, but it doesn’t have to be. It should simply be something that gives you a zest for life and makes you excited to get out of bed each day. It could be work-related or a hobby that you pursue during your off hours.
Why does passion matter? Passion gives you a purpose. Sometimes, it may be the only thing that motivates you when nothing else in your life is going right. It’s also a great motivator. If your passions are work-related, for example, that will encourage you to seek out great career advice and work towards your goals.
“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.” –
Finally, remember that there is no such thing as a perfect life. This is why it is imperative that you work hard to find things to be happy about and grateful for today. Doing this not only improves your happiness today, it can help energize and motivate you to make meaningful life changes.
It’s never too late nor too difficult to get your life on the right path. By taking positive steps to improve your well-being, help others, pursue your interests, and find the career that you love, you are ensuring a happier future , he quoted.