Negative Outcomes of Drinking & Driving with Solutions

Drinking alcohol and driving simply do not go together. This post explains why drinking and driving increase the risk of having an accident. Learn more about the Negative Outcomes and the Solutions of Drinking & Driving.

Negative Outcomes of Drinking & Driving with Solutions

Drinking and driving are not only dangerous, but it is also against the law. Driving under the influence can place your life and the lives of others at great risk and can prove to be fatal as well.

It’s important to know the negative outcomes of drunk driving and the solutions you can take in order to prevent these issues from occurring. The following list is a helpful guide in which you can use as a reference. Automotive blogger Myrtice Hathaway guided me to create these useful tips for you:

Having a Few Drinks Before Driving

1. Having a Few Drinks Before Driving – Many people think that a couple of martinis or a couple of beers are OK to have before turning the key inside the ignition. Alcohol deters a person’s concentration and ability to think clearly. It also stays in your system for quite some time. A few drinks could be more than enough justifiable cause to have your license revoked and a vehicle was taken away from you. Always have a designated driver present if you plan on having a few drinks.

2. Breathalyzers Can Be Inaccurate – If you have a BAC reading or Blood Alcohol Concentration of .08, you can face serious problems, even if you had a drink several hours ago. The alcohol remains in your bloodstream. Breathalyzers are for the most very accurate. You really don’t want to take the chance of appearing in court either way.

Can Law Enforcement Impact the Blood Alcohol Concentration Reading?

3. Is the BAC the Same for Every State? – The laws of each state differ from one to another. You don’t have to spend hours researching your state regulations to know that a few drinks can have you in serious trouble. Breathalyzer tests can be administered randomly as well. You should, however, be well aware of the average BAC, which is typically below the .08 mark. Each state varies but this is the normal average in general.

4. Can Law Enforcement Impact the Blood Alcohol Concentration Reading? – You better believe they can! Law enforcement officials are trained veterans of the game. Their responsibility is to make sure the roads are free of drunk drivers. Police officers know all the myths and tricks drivers will go through to pass the BAC tests. An extra burst of wind from the lungs can drastically impact the BAC readings. Law enforcement will have you take a deep breath and blow it all out to get a much more accurate reading. Don’t be surprised if you get out of air either, as you might have to repeat this process until the readings are satisfactory.

Do Breathalyzers Measure the Overall Alcohol in a Person’s Bloodstream?

5. Do Breathalyzers Measure the Overall Alcohol in a Person’s Bloodstream? – No. Breath alcohol tests are used to measure the concentration of alcohol in the blood only. The actual assessment of a person’s bloodstream would involve drawing a sample of blood. Breathalyzers differ in that they gather the total BAC capacity without the need to collect an actual blood sample. Breathalyzers have 2,100-to-1 ratios converting alcohol in the breath to estimates of alcohol in the blood. Law officials know the exact numbers through experience as well.

6. What Is the Average BAC of a Fatality? – The average BAC usually runs in the .016 range. The vast majority of these drivers tend to be males aged 25 to 35 with prior DWI histories and convictions. These drivers tend to repeat the same patterns until they are either caught, jailed or killed in a head-on collision.

How Can I Avoid Taking the Breathalyzer Test?

7. How Can I Avoid Taking the Breathalyzer Test? – Each driver is subjected to a random BAC test if law enforcement suspects any erratic driving behavior. Drunk drivers typically exceed speed limits, swerve from one side of the road to another and exhibit other traits associated with being under the influence. Again, each state has their own rules regarding BAC tests, so having that extra glass of wine after dinner might not be such a good idea after all.

8. How Can We Reduce the Number of Drunk Drivers? – Legislation in each state is working harder and harder to limit the number of DUI’s by enforcing stricter penalties. a first time offender might spend 30 days in jail and have to pay a huge fine as well. Second time offenders might lose their vehicle altogether.

Can a Person Accused of a DUI Contest the BAC Readings in Court?

9. Can a Person Accuse of a DUI Contest the BAC Readings in Court? – Each person convicted of a DUI has the right to an attorney in court. You may not influence the readings of the BAC test, but you may contest them. The judge will have the final saying based on actual police testimony and prior DUI convictions if applicable.

10. Are There Tricks to Lower the BAC Test Readings? – Law enforcement know all the potential ways someone might try to beat a BAC test reading. The bottom line, don’t try to fool them because it can wind up against you in a court of law!


  • Samantha Gibbs

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