Story changes everything.

It sets up the foundation, opens the window and frames the most important thing that we do. It sets into motion the most powerful force in the history of humanity.

The way we think.

It is true. Our collected consciousness is the result of what we learn about the universe and our place in it, and then what we teach out to the rest of the world by our words, our actions and our reactions.

Perception feeds itself.

And this in turn, affects the way see the world, and eventually our POV creates reality in the image of ourselves.  Our hopes, our darkest fears and every nuanced response to highs and lows of life in between.

It amplifies and spreads. Like a virus.

And, it is not a new idea.

Since the first flickers of flames illuminated the phenomenon of a shared experience – we have more in common than we like to realize – through the art and understanding of storytelling, we know that those who tell the story rule the world. This is true in business, in politics, in finance, and in your most intimate relationships.

We live, breathe and die on story.

WE are the big story.

When you think about your life, it is impossible to see it for what it really may be, a series of random events and data points that really don’t have much metaphysical connection to a greater cause or grand plan. Our existence is mostly accidental.

But, we can’t live with that.

Instead, we craft a very advanced series of meaningful and inter-connected moments that in the end, is the amazing story we tell others, and more importantly, we tell ourselves.

The universe, as I have come to learn, is mostly indifferent.

And in the wake of crisis, when the most natural and at times poetically pointless of our human instincts kicks into high gear, the only real power we have to move the needle, change the game and take one great leap forward, is to change the channel.

Now is the time for a new narrative.

In times of great crisis, perceived or real, you can either hibernate or innovate.

Positive thinking may be the only way forward. It can conquer fear and release us from paralysis.

Coming together, finding solutions, visualizing a new and better existence. These are the things we need now most.

The power to think things through, try new ideas, and set your inner tuner to a better picture of a possible new reality, is the most important focus now. And, the next move is yours. As it always is.

Be careful. But be creative.  The future is the only thing that matters now.  

We need a new narrative of negotiating the next.


  • Paul is: a writer, past academic dean, national affairs advisor, conference founder and public broadcasting advocate.