The network marketing industry has created maximum millionaires in recent times. Through network and affiliate marketing many people have made their mark as successful entrepreneurs. Felix Alfen is one such name who has created havoc in the network marketing industry. He decided to venture into the entrepreneurial world in 2014. Back then, Felix worked as a consultant. The entrepreneur always had a desire to start something of his own and he began the journey by reading the business articles, watching videos on YouTube and attending online webinars. “Marketing was not common in the German markets but it was growing rapidly then. I decided to venture into online marketing and today it is a huge success”, quoted Felix.
One of his best friends from Austria helped Felix understand the business structure of affiliate and network marketing. But the entrepreneur was not convinced by it and had a negative impression of the business model. He said, “I was looking for other business opportunities at the same time when I came across a company called VEMMA. I became their customer first and was moved by the company’s product line of nutrition supplements and lifestyle products. I am an athlete and have been living a healthy lifestyle.” Through struggles, he grew at a slow pace and excelled in the field of network marketing.
When asked about the turning point in his life, Felix Alfen said, “I attended an event by VEMMA and it changed my life. The event helped me understand everything about online marketing. It was an eye-opener after which I ventured into network marketing.” The initial two and a half years saw a lot of ups and many downs in life. Going and growing through the phase taught him a lot of aspects of marketing. By many trial and errors, Felix went on to help more than 10,000 people in establishing their own business through affiliate marketing with physical products like nutrition, skincare and other body shaping products. Moreover, his company in 2017 achieved the impossible as it had a turnover of more than 10 million dollars.
Not only he grew on the professional front, but Felix even helped other network marketers grow in this field. “I simultaneously started making my investments in trading and got to know about the financial markets”, he added. That was the time he got an offer by another affiliate marketing company which dealt with financial education products. Besides network marketing, he expanded his business and launched another company named Kuvera Global which is now merged with multiple companies in that sector. In a period of 6 years, Felix has created a strong reputation for himself in the field of network marketing. When asked about his life mantra, Felix quoted, “I always believe that you rise by lifting others and I am glad I am successfully doing it.”