When your work in an office, networking is simple – you attend meetings, ride the elevator, and gather during breaks, and you naturally form connections with coworkers. However, if you work remotely, networking may demand more effort. Here are ways you can grow and maintain connections as a remote worker.

1. Start at the Company Level
Companies can embed remote networking into the companies’ culture to foster connections. Some strategies include;
• Creating virtual company events where all employees can participate
• Include all staff in recognition opportunities, which aid every company employee in understanding the value of every team member regardless of location.
• Include all employees in company newsletters and birthday celebrations
• Hold meetings at strategic times that allow the company’s international workers to participate
• Record and share in-office activities with remote workers; it helps them feel they are part of the action

2. Use Social Media to Connect
Social media, if used responsibly, can help you to form valuable business networks. One may use the platforms to connect with people who they may not meet in person. While there are many platforms, you can opt to engage with those pertinent to your field.

3. Connect in Person
While the covid pandemic limits physical meetings, you should take advantage of the scarce opportunities you get for in-person interactions. Where possible, set up meetings in venues that facilitate social distancing, like in parks. Also, remember to observe all safety protocols to curb the spread of covid.

4. Attend Virtual Events
As a consequence of the pandemic, various brands that held in-person events are now shifting to virtual events. With good networking tips, it’s possible to build more connections here than you would an in-person conference. For example, you can take advantage of chats or join event-specific virtual groups to broaden your network.

5. Have Meaningful Conversations with In-Office Coworkers
If you work from home, take advantage of office chat programs and video meetings. Even though they are professional channels, there still allow room for socializing and building valuable relationships. Participate in small talk at the start of video meetings as you wait for others to join or chat – it helps build business relationships.

6. Relate with your Boss
In-house relationships will help build success in your current relationship and build opportunities for advancements. Cultivating a good relationship with your manager is essential. It makes it easier to ask questions, understand the company’s vision and improve chances of promotion.

7. Build a Community with Fellow Remote Workers
Keeping tabs on everyone is often a challenge, especially when coworkers are distributed across the state or the world. However, you can make remote employees feel included by regularly engaging them in the company. For example, create an online forum, a blog, or a group where you share experiences, stories, and uplifting materials relating to virtual work experiences.
