This past weekend, I was sitting and drinking my morning coffee when the hubby came in and asked if I’d heard the news. No. I hadn’t because I do not watch the news so I asked him what about it. Two mass shootings overnight. What? MORE mass shootings?
Yes, more mass shootings. One in El Paso, Texas and the other in Dayton, Ohio. Ohio is close to my heart being a Cleveland girl and I have spent time in Dayton. My husband knew exactly where the shooting occurred as he had been there when he played baseball.
I felt a sick feeling in my stomach as I thought about all the families affected by these senseless acts. I thought about my own family – my husband and daughters. I thought about my mom and other family members many of which have served or are serving in our military. I thought about friends that I had not chatted with lately. I thought about my kids and my friend’s kids and grandchildren and how they have to try to explain this craziness to them on a level they understand. And the thoughts kept coming as I myself tried to make sense of it all.
There is no way we can understand what goes on in another’s mind especially one that commits such vile acts. What we can do though is be the one that reaches out to make sure those close to us are doing okay. We can lend a hand to someone that needs help. We can be kinder to those that we see as we move through our days.
How hard is to to smile and say “Hi. How are you doing today?” Those six simple words can make a HUGE difference to someone who is struggling. Someone who is feeling down. Someone that simply needs to know that someone does care about them. (Feeling down? I recommend you read this article next: Want to feel better? Get outside.)
I challenge you to join me. Let’s be aware of those around us instead of being so focused on ourselves. Let’s take a moment to stop, smile and say “hi” as we pass someone in the grocery store. Tell the people that bring you your food in the restaurant or those folks that take your money in the gas station or Walmart, thank you. Simple acts of kindness are like a pebble when tossed in a pond. The ripple effect from these simple acts will be amazing and exactly what we all need right now.