what if:the election was not about the election
the candidates were not about the candidates
what you think Is only just that what you think but not what is
do you have the courage to see behind what you see to see what is?
what if:all that is happeningis just a mirror
a gift we are being given to see ourselves
to see who we are
to show us OUR own places of darkness
to ask ourselves can we love in the places we don’t want to love
can we love people we don’t want to love
can we see goodness where others find fault
can we love, really love when there is no love.
the underlying theme of The Mosaic is this:NOTHNG IS AS IT SEEMS
do you have the courage to love that deeply?
i know how important it is to feel love and accepted
listened to and heard
acknowledged and validated
that is why i started Conversations with Strangers https://themosaiconline.com/conversations/
have a listen and see for yourself what happens when people feel this
all that they are not falls away and all that they are emerges
it is so beautiful to see i know how sad i feel when i write a postwith the intent to bring people together and watch people fight each other in the comments below. i know how hurt we all are how much we all want the same thing
i know in the lessons i have learned from my beautiful daughter that when we speak and do not feel heard, we yell, when we yell and we do not feel heard we tantrum, when we tantrum and do not feel heard, we attack .i also know that when i do not understand her and take the time to sit with her and find a new way for her to communicate to me what she wants, when i finally understand her, the yelling, the tantrums and the attacks stop. each of us in our own way are like my daughter elisa. we all do the same thing.
here is what i know, every one knows how to love, knows how to listen, knows how to see what others do not see and now i invite all of you to live what you know, to listen and hear each other.
as i sit in meditation the words of the prayer of St Francis come to me. they could not be more true and more needed than they are today
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to Eternal Life
lets be kind to each other. lets love one another
BeKind2U and love yourself too
what would we see if we did not see what is in front of us now???