This past weekend was a doozy. Did you feel it?
A New Moon, the Summer Solstice, and a Solar Eclipse packaged tightly into side-by-side days.
If you are one to celebrate Father’s Day (it was Sunday) or International Yoga Day (also Sunday), then you might have been especially busy recognizing and celebrating all of those important things.
At one point this weekend, a friend of mine let it slide that in addition to the above significant dates, Sunday was also “End of the World Day”, according to the Mayan Calendar, as interpreted by counting the dates in the Julian Calendar.
Keeping up? It’s too much.
For me, I chose to turn my attention to friends, nature, and my own mindset.
I kicked off my weekend by giving New Moon Tarot readings to neighbours who have been quarantining with me for what seems like eons.
Saturday morning began with a 6-mile hike with a friend through jungle-y paths to the ocean, followed by another 36 hours of completely vegging out. It was needed.
A few phone calls to brothers who are fathers, and some Q-time with my darling dog Kona, taking her on a rainy Sunday drive through Nicaragua’s lush, muddy countryside wrapped up the weekend.
It all helped. My head was cleared, and I found the space to reboot and focus on what successes this week can manifest.
Finally, things are starting to feel as if there is an order to them. Balancing out good times with the down times, and chill vibes with the work vibes is a necessity for me. As a Libra, I feel like maintaining balance is how I find peace in my days.
And these days are flying by. They are packed with coaching clients, teaching teenagers, writing books, all while trying to burn off the Covid-19 weight I gained from comfort-eating through the first couple months of spin-out.
Looking ahead, the next few weeks call for more focus in manifesting the things I truly seek:
- the growth of my business
- improving my writing
- connecting with my clients in the impactful ways they need.
Take a look ahead. Are you focused on what you want to manifest for yourself?
One truth to take with you:
Manifesting starts with a clear mind and an open heart. Focus your intention and commit to seeing through your daily tasks. Both big and small, these thoughts and acts edge us forward, propelling our purpose, and creating the life we want.
Keep focused, and have a great week!
~ Christy
Details on cultivating authentic connection through the Coaching & Mentoring Program and Personal Growth for Teens & Young Adults can be found on my site.
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Christy Nichols, Personal Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within