Create Your Life

What if You Could Create Your Future?


Who inspires me and why?

One Truth To Take With You

So Now What? Reinvent for Good … Let’s Get this Right!

Creativity, mental illness and finding meaning

5 Ways To Find Inspiration In Everyday Life

What Can We Learn From Corona Virus and Being in Quarantine?

Why Food Styling Became My Favorite Hobby

Step Out of Scarcity

Do Your Dreams Scare You Into Inaction?

How to Rebuild Your Year after Breaking Your Resolutions

This Year You Need To Stop Tolerating And Start Creating

Finish The Year Strong – No Matter How It Started

10 ideas for creating a unique Christmas

How to tune into your creative self

Creating with your personal love language ?

How rejection helps you create what you always wanted

How life creates living

Why are we scared of creativity?

Waking to Your Power

5 Powerful Ways to Change Your Thinking and Get Better Ideas

Stop Telling Stories


What if money is NOT the root of all evil?

7 Step Transformation Challenge Approach Everyone Should Take on Every Week to Transform

How Kathrin Zenkina Manifested Millions for her Purpose – and How You Can, Too!

How Meditation Helps Creatives

You can be right or you can be happy.

Finding your personal rhythm will set you free!

Being responsible is the only way to be free. Weird but true.

8 More Goals Every Creative Should Set in 2019

Want to Up-Level Your Life in 2019?

When Hiring a Coach is a Great Idea