It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stresses of life and forget the big dreams we harbor within.

But don’t let this happen to you.

Maybe it’s time to switch careers, or travel the world, or start a new relationship, or transform your health.

You feel the fear in the pit of your stomach, but in your heart you know it’s time to do something about it.

We call this the “Gulp!” moment.

So whatever your big Gulp! is, don’t let it fizzle.  

“In the face of a challenge, who do you choose to be? The one who stalls and stagnates, or the one who flies free?”

Gabriella Goddard

Commit to your dream, and make the big leap by following these 7 steps: 


Put a stake in the ground and commit to doing it. I call this Daring & Defying. Write down your big Gulp! on a post-it note and put it somewhere where you can see it every day. Tell your friends about and make sure you set a deadline (gulp!)


It’s natural to feel afraid because you’re stepping outside your comfort zone and into the void of the unknown. The thing with fear is it starts in the mind and is triggered by your thoughts and what you think might happen. So imagine the worst, and then put strategies in place to make sure it never happens. And then imagine the best possible outcome and focus on creating that.


When you calm your mind and create space and stillness, not only do you connect to your inner sage, that wise old voice within, it means you can actually hear it! When you do things that are aligned to your soul, there is no fear, there is just an inner knowingness of what feels right. So spend time walking in nature, listening to relaxing music, doing a Pilates class or meditating. And then listen closely to your inner wisdom.


Your sense of possibility is only limited by the extent of your imagination. So as you think about your big Gulp!, imagine all the possible outcomes or scenarios. Expand your vision of “what could be”. Visit a café, or art gallery or a park – somewhere that sparks your imagination and then brainstorm and write down all your ideas – no matter how wild and wacky.  


It’s time to chart your course. As soon as you step outside your comfort zone you step into the unknown – that gap or void between where you are and where you want to be. The secret to making your big Gulp! easy is to plug as much of this gap as possible. So do some research, gather information, ask questions, spend some time on google, put together an action plan. And practice and rehearse as much as possible. 


From personal experience I know that when I’m doing something that makes my heart sing and my soul dance – everything just flows – if I let it. So stay focused on where you’re heading and use your intuition to guide you. Also, let go of anything that is part of the “old”. It can be hard to let go of things before the new has arrived – but as you know, sometimes you’ve got to close one door before you can open another.


As you move through this journey, you’ll reach a point where you’ve just got to do it. The opportunity is there, you’re prepared and ready, and all you need to do is take that big step forward. For me last year, it was when I was sitting on the side of the boat and had a choice to get in the water or not. We all have a choice – so <gulp> and take that leap of faith. You never know until you try and you never know where it all might lead next.

It’s time to give up living passively!

If you’d like some extra support and inspiration to stay motivated and on track, visit  and download the free Gulp! workbook and action plan templates.


  • Gabriella Goddard

    founder of brainsparker app & academy | author of "Gulp!" | catalyst for sparking ideas that change lives

    Gabriella is a highly experienced Executive Coach, International Speaker and Published Author with over 16 years experience developing leaders and managers from global multi-nationals, as well as entrepreneurs and game-changers. She is the creator of the brainsparker app, the No. 1 app for “creativity” and “creative thinking” in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide use brainsparker’s random creativity prompts to ignite their imagination, overcome creative blocks and brainstorm new ideas. Gabriella's book "Gulp!" (Random House/Penguin) provides people with a 7-step roadmap for mastering fear and breaking through any challenge in life, at work, and with creative projects. Gabriella is an official member of the Forbes Coaches Council and was the winner of the Global Impact Award in 2016 with Entrepreneur's Institute.