My dear friend asked me to write a post on achieving abundance since I haven’t touched on this for some time and she needed something to lift her spirits. I hope this message brings a little light for anyone that might be struggling in this same way.
I’ve thought about how I might inspire and came to something that helped move me forward out of my turmoil the very next day. This is one strategy that is very powerful and a lot of us might overlook because of its simplicity: start counting the abundance of good deeds you’ve already done for all those around you, and notice how satisfied and fulfilled you feel.
This is most important to recall, especially for those of us who might feel overwhelmed. A lot of us might ask ourselves in times of conflict why these things keep happening. A long time ago I asked this question myself and Grace answered me, saying that I was doing this myself; that drove me to search for answers to why I would choose to suffer. This led me to a lifelong quest of attending to those who were suffering, helping them in any way that is for the good. I mistakenly believed that I wouldn’t suffer so much as long I supported others, and found that this practice is not enough to keep comfortable for long.
We all have our stories. Perhaps, somewhere along the way, we forgot our dependence on God, who is here for us. Whether we set our hearts on becoming a top achiever in our profession, or a mother, or a father, or a saint, we must strive to overcome every hardship, regardless of what we set our hearts to do.
“You are doing this yourself,” has become my saving grace, showing that there’s no one person out there who is supposed to save us. We really need is a Savior. But somehow I didn’t fully grasp this until I just couldn’t take any more heartache, my own or anyone else’s around me.
Whenever you’re facing something that’s overwhelming, you may despair as you search endlessly for solutions and support. You may even believe that you’re already doing enough, especially those seeking to teach it to others. This is only my opinion that we are all entrusted with this calling of helping others.
This passage from 2 Corinthians 4:6 inspired me at a dark time: “It is the same God that said, ‘Let there be light shining out of darkness, who has shone in our minds to radiate the light of the knowledge of God’s glory, the glory on the face of Christ.’ We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us.”
After reading that passage, I was consoled and inspired to find deeper meaning in this scripture as it related to my personal experience. I feel this is a giant step forward for today’s new thought coaches who teach peace as one’s inner state of consciousness.
My life has been enriched by modern teachers, who have pointed out many powerful theories and have taught me well, but many times I tremble with the conflicts around me. That’s when scripture continues to make things clear and comforts me. “You are doing this yourself” is a reminder to stop searching outside of yourself for solutions, for recognition, or for approval of your good deeds. Instead, look within and remember especially to give thanks for the many wonderful things you’ve been given and times when you’ve asked and have received. Remind yourself several times a day how this is the only thing that will satisfy you.
This is the most powerful achievement we can hope for as we do our best keeping close to the teachings of the Gospel. Truth dawns on each of us at the level of our understanding. Remember that God brought you to this light so you will live courageously through all your conflicts, not just some of them. God loves you for meeting with him in prayer, contemplation and meditation. This alone is our greatest realization we might have forgotten.
I use the following affirmations to help lift my spirits:
I carefully examine my conscience if I’ve been living right with all my family, friends, and relationships. I do my best to be better.
And in addition to praying for others, being grateful, and counting my blessings, I remind myself and thank God:
For making me a daughter that He loves.
For making me a sister He is pleased with.
For making me a mother He approves of.
For making me a wife who prayers to Him.
For making me a friend who mentions His name.
For making me a servant who satisfies Him.
He is my saving grace I invite to take charge when life feels overwhelming. And to this day, He hasn’t let me down.
About Catherine Nagle: Catherine grew up in Philadelphia with 16 brothers and sisters, reared by loving, old-school Italian parents. Catherine’s artist father’s works graced churches and public buildings; her mother was a full-time homemaker. A professional hairdresser, Catherine worked in various salons while studying the Bible and pursuing spiritual growth through courses, seminars, lectures, the works of Marianne Williamson, and through conferences, including the National Theology of the Body Congress.
She is an Ambassador of the Society of Emotional Intelligence and a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post and Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. The mother of two children, and now a grandmother, Catherine lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and son. She is the author of Imprinted Wisdom and a contributor to Anne Born’s These Winter Months: The Late Orphan Project Anthology.
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Catherine Nagle Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Writer, Author
Originally published at on September 8, 2016.