It’s March 2020. We are all dealing with a new reality. This new reality is challenging and unsettling.
What is our new reality? The streets are empty. People are hunkering down at home. Schools are closed, workplaces are closed, only gas stations, supermarkets, hospitals and liquor stores seem to be open. I don’t know much about what is going on “out there”. I filled up my tank with gas, got a bunch of Lactaid, eggs and vodka before the whole sequestering thing really took effect.
I talked to my sister last night, I told her, the lucky ones are still getting paid to work remotely…(she’s one of those). Many of us in the creative, consulting, service community are trying to figure it out.
My new reality? I have been trying to keep to my schedule. This includes logging on and being productive. If today is any indication, my new reality includes falling into a rabbit hole of social media content consumption, sort of to pass the time. I think I’m looking for inspiration, but also looking for connection. Then I find myself coming back to reality. Shoot, I need to get cracking and produce something!
So here goes, my reality? People need community.
I know I do, I am looking for connections. It is hard when you are sequestered to not let your mind wander. What is next? Is our new reality of social isolation and challenging times here to stay? I am trying to stay busy, find ways to stay creative while home-bound. Oh yeah, I painted my kitchen chairs pink (more on that below)
How are you doing? That is the question I get asked most. I’m good. I respond. I am good. I think.
Yesterday a maintenance crew came by to test the fire alarms in my apartment. We kept our distance, but I chatted with Mike, someone I know in real life. I hadn’t seen AND spoken to someone that I knew since March 11th. That was thirteen (13) days ago! Sure, I’ve had conversations. Just that morning I ventured out to the supermarket to get coffee-pods, more Lactaid, eggs and salad greens. I was back home by 8 am. Mission accomplished. I’ve talked to many using my phone, I’ve texted, set up family video calls. I’ve reached out to people on FB, IG, LI and Twitter. I scheduled a virtual happy hour on Zoom. But I haven’t had a conversation with someone I know and been in the same room with them. Ugh. This is hard. I can understand why all the gen z’ers are still on spring break.
My new reality….. painting my chairs pink… is that practical, was it productive? Who knows? Pink kitchen chairs are my new reality.
Along with painting the town pink, I’ve written press releases, taken online classes, from Wharton no less! I have watered my plants, cleaned the buttons on the elevator and the doorknobs at the entrance of my building, sent off my 2019 paperwork for my taxes (this is early for me!) made some amazing egg frittatas, watched a ton of netflix, avoided the news, built a new invoice template for my business, listened to podcasts, walked, meditated, daydreamed and even “hired” my 14 year old nephew to help with social media content. I hired an intern!
What’s next you ask?
I hope to support and bring smiles to my community of people that are in the same work from home (WFH) solo-preneur boat as me, and keep plugging along. My goal is to be a consultant succeeding and growing her business. What else? I’ve got important stuff to do. I’m still working on training my ivy plant to stay in a wreath circle shape. I am seriously contemplating wearing a bandanna around my neck John Wayne style every day (today is day 2). I am drinking lots of water. I am going to keep reaching out to people. I am going to start changing out of my slippers during the day. These. Are. My. Goals. What are yours?
Your socially distant friend. Kirsten.

Interested in reading more of my musings on solo-preneur life and balancing all the challenges that come with it? Check out another post on the KIRated Co blog.