With regular health screenings, it is possible to detect colon cancer early and have the best chance of a full recovery. However, many people do not realize that their nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining good colon health throughout life.

The best foods to support colon health include fresh vegetables and fruits. The high-fiber foods help to keep the colon cleaned out and prevent cases of colon cancer from developing. It is also beneficial to use healthy enhancements like the options from First Fitness Nutrition.

When it comes to colon health, taking a proactive stance is best. Keep reading for some tips on how to ensure good colon health at all ages.

Eat a Rainbow of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits

Experts agree that eating an array of brightly colored vegetables and fruits is good for colon health. Consider eating a mix of leafy greens, orange and red fruits, and purple and blue fruits.

The varied colors provide an array of health benefits. That is because they each offer unique nutrients and vitamins to benefit a person’s diet. Each one provides specific health benefits and will work together in the body to create somewhat of a nutritional powerhouse of benefits for a person’s health.

The vegetables can be canned, frozen, or fresh. The key is to find options that are low in sodium and other unnecessary elements. Other options that can help to increase nutrition include peas, lentils, and beans.

Eat More Whole Grains

Even though there are many popular diets people follow today that remove all carbohydrates from the diet, those carbohydrates are actually essential nutrients that the body needs. The challenge is selecting the right whole grains and avoiding simple sugars and processed foods.

Carbohydrates serve as fuel for the brain and body. Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which reduces cancer risk by helping a person maintain regular bowel movements and aiding the healthy bacteria present in the colon to grow, flourish, and continue to do their job.

Stay Well Hydrated

Both men and women need to drink plenty of water. Failure to remain properly hydrated can lead to various issues, including feelings of tiredness and fatigue. There are several online calculators that individuals can use to see how much water they should drink each day based on their weight.

Avoid Saturated Fats

Try to limit red meat intake to just one or two servings per week. Also, never eat meats that are over processed, such as hot dogs and sausage. It is better to focus on eating heart-healthy fats, such as olive oil and avocado. While this is true, even these “good” fats need to be eaten in moderation. There is such a thing as having too much of something good.

Choose Fat-Free or Low-Fat Dairy Items

Eating dairy products offers a great source of protein but can increase total fat consumption. Try to choose dairy products that are made with reduced-fat or skim milk.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol or Added Sugar

Many people do not realize that drinking alcohol can actually irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Even very small amounts can increase the risk of cancer while reducing the absorption of certain vitamins. It is a good idea to carefully read food labels to ensure everything going into a person’s body is healthy.

Get Active

When a person is trying to maintain a healthy and properly functioning colon, they need to remember to get moving. Exercise is a big part of this equation. When someone exercises, they increase circulation and blood flow through exercise. This also means that the colon and the entire gastrointestinal system receives more oxygen. This can help to prevent cases of colon cancer as well as many other diseases.

Keep in mind that there is no need for the fitness routine to be extreme. Walking, doing yoga, and stretching for about 10 to 15 minutes per day is adequate to maintain a healthy colon.

Pay Attention to the Toilet

While this may not sound like fun, it is a good idea for a person to pay attention to their bowel movements. They should have a minimum of one bowel movement per day. A healthy colon will result in bowel movements after every meal. If someone is not eliminating waste quickly enough, toxins will begin to accumulate in the colon and throughout a person’s body. That is going to cause the whole body to feel and look toxic.

Invest in Colon Cancer Screening

Tests and screenings are necessary to find signs of cancer. These tests can help detect issues before the signs and symptoms of colon cancer occur. A routine screening can find any growth in the colon, which is called a polyp, and allow that type of growth to be removed before the polyp can grow into cancer.

Additionally, the tests will find colon cancer earlier, which means that the treatments for the condition are more likely to be successful. For most people, engaging in regular testing, starting at the age of 50, is best. It is a good idea to speak to a doctor about when testing should begin. People who are at a higher risk of colon cancer may need to seek testing sooner than this age.

Good Colon Health Takes Time and Care

When talking about colon health, there are a few symptoms of a problem that a person can watch for. These include blood in the stool, changes in bowel habits that occur suddenly, the inability to empty the bowel completely, sudden gas or severe pain, and others. If these issues occur, it is necessary to speak to a doctor right away. The medical experts can provide the testing needed to determine the issue and ensure that the treatment is successful.

While colon cancer is serious, taking steps to improve colon health is necessary. Taking advantage of the tips and information mentioned above is the best way to achieve a healthy colon. Being informed and knowing what to do and what to avoid will help people of all ages enjoy a healthy colon.


  • Christine Chen



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