Peacebuilder and veteran women’s activist Manal Omar from Across Red Lines and the LetLoveIn campaign, an D+I expert who transitioned from working in the war zone to building her peacemaking mission, promoting joy worldwide with her global retreats. Manal’s transformational ARL retreats teach Islamic women in the Middle East how to tap into their inner female power through empowerment coaching. Her latest venture, LetLoveIn, is a network of ambassadors bringing women of all colors together on an online platform to share stories of pleasure.
On September 21st, International Day of Peace, LetLoveIn will launch the first collaborative music video, Little Girl Shine, produced through a grant and cooperation with Peace Studio, compiling video submissions of individuals sharing intimate and powerful moments of love, joy, and pleasure. On November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a team of talented musicians and visual creators will share a second LetLoveIn music video, with moving contributions from a global community of LetLoveIn warriors.
Manal says, “I often ask myself – how did emerging from war bring me into the same room of tantra teachers and hippies? How did my interaction with the military and police make me realize the need to let go and trust? The answer is: this was the main way people not only survived war – but learned to face truth and reconciliation for the greater good as an essential part of rebuilding their nation.”
Website URLs
Let Love In:
Facebook @AcrossRedLines
Twitter @AcrossRedLines
Instagram @AcrossRedLines

More about Manal Omar
Through my 20+ years of experience of working in conflict resolution, I witnessed firsthand the power of women to create positive change through embracing joy and pleasure. This is an essential approach that fuels authentic leadership, compassionate accountability, and cooperative advocacy for positive change. The time has come to build bridges towards the middle space, and this can only be done when we have tools to manage our discomfort, hold difficult conversations, and practice active listening. ARL is committed to providing these tools with the essential theory of change.