As a result of this horrific pandemic, and the toll, in terms of infection, and taking human lives, the world norms might change forever, in order to be far better prepared, and reduce health risk factors, etc, in the future which is very close we will have new habits as we cope with the virus outbreak.. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 7 things, which may change, forever.
1. Malls: What will happen to malls, and the larger stores, which occupy them? How will malls convince shoppers, it’s safe to return? How will they address over – crowding, air circulation, enhanced sanitation, etc? Will the malls of today, becoming, out – dated, and become the equivalent of Ghost Towns? Mall owners should be considering these, and other significant, relevant issues, in a responsible way, which addresses, both, the true health concerns, etc, as well as the perceived ones! If potential shoppers, don’t feel it’s safe, to return, they won’t!
2. The number, and size of bank branches: Besides the health concerns, will banks discover, based on the experiences, during this pandemic, they do not need, branches, which are, as large, nor, as many branches, as they presently occupy? Because of health concerns, they have been emphasizing remote banking, and using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), etc, and most bank lobbies, have been closed, except by appointments. Will they believe, they might increase their profits, by transforming, the size and configuration, of how they do business?
3. Other retail: Will smaller strip malls, largely, replace malls, because of these concerns? Will we see many larger retail establishments, either, go out of business, or, make their future stores, smaller, and less crowded? Already, some of the largest establishments, have considered, neighborhood stores, instead of their mega – stores. How will this be balanced, and proceed, forward?
4. Office size/ configurations/ split – shifts/ remote employees: For several reasons, I can envision, many businesses, deciding to down – size, for both, health, and economic reasons! How might they change their configurations, to reduce contact, and reduce health risks? Will more, change to split – shifts, etc? Since, for the past couple of months, those businesses, which have been able to remain open, have switched to a larger dependence on remote employees, and, if they can perfect that model, how might it be implemented, as part of their future policies, and operations?
5. Medical/ dental offices – layout, treatment, etc: What changes might medical and dental offices, make? Which might be mandated, in order to reopen? We will, almost, definitely, see a greater emphasis on Personal Protection Apparel, such as masks, head coverings, over – garments (disposable), etc! What changes/ enhancements/ improvements, will become the wave – of – the – future? How might air purification be enhanced? How will patient scheduling, etc, be affected? Will physicians, and dentists, need to change, schedules, times between patients, etc, so there are fewer, waiting in the Waiting Rooms, etc? With these changes, increased costs, and the ability to see, as many patients, reduced, won’t these professionals, be adversely affected? Will the trend, to larger offices, be replaced, with a return, to smaller ones?
6. Restaurants of the future: What might the restaurants, of the future, look like? How many of these, especially, the independently owned ones, go permanently, out – of – business? For health reasons, how might occupancy levels, be affected/ reduced, and won’t it make, owning these, less desirable, etc? Will the emphasis, switch, to a larger percentage, of take – out, and catering?
7. Education: for MENA region countries, education will change drastically, the middle eastern countries are very familiar with online learning, but having the necessary fundamentals to retain the educational platforms is something and preparing the masses for it, mentally and logistic wise is complexity different.. Arabs countries specially jordan has certain remote demographics that require extra effort and attention, in terms of electricity, internet coverage, and providing the needed devices such as laptops and tablets.
Most of low economical compounds and remote areas residents, cant afford the needed devices to get their kids the needed education, where the governmental school only cost once was walking on their feet, and get in charities lists to support their kids education, now this cost will go higher as they dont have any of they much needed basics for online education …
Finally, coping, and problem solving is human strongest suites that distinguished them from other creatures, but what we really needs to see more from, is the empathy and humanity in the ability of helping those in need and save them pain of asking..