emotional intelligence skills training with Kingsley Grant

Have you ever done something for someone as a way of paying them back for what they did to you?

I’ve seen this “dance” take place with both negative and positive outcomes.

Prior to my mom’s death, the payback she received from all her years of pouring into others was nothing short of celebrity treatment. This was from us her children as well as those whose life she had “touched” in a positive way.

One of the additional ways that my mom was honored prior to her death was to have a library named after her. That to me is celebrity treatment.

Here is the thing: my mom didn’t go looking for any of this kind of payback. It was simply an act of appreciation and gratitude for all she had done.

This can be true of you as well.

When you as a leader master these additional five skills and treat your people the way they want to be treated, you too will receive celebrity-type treatment.

I shared Part 1 of this article here and also as a podcast episode hereTo get the most out of this series, make sure you listen to the podcast and/or read the previous article.

Here is the next batch of emotional skills that will almost always get you celebrity treatment. This batch contains five skills. Part 3 will have the remaining seven. You can find the complete list here.


8) Adaptability: being able to adapt to situations that come your way, is a strong sign you have good emotional intelligence. This is where you demonstrate resiliency and is able to stay calm under pressure. You don’t panic in the face of a crisis.

9) Optimism: being able to see the “glass as half full” rather than “half empty.” You have a positive outlook for the future and you set that tone for those you are leading.

10) Empathy: being able to empathize through these three lenses as put forth by Daniel Goleman. NOTE: I discussed these in The Kingsley Grant Show.

  1. Cognitive empathy
  2. Emotional empathy
  3. Empathic concern.

11) Service Orientation: being others-centered. You demonstrate good listening skills, paying full attention to others without any distraction. You take the time to understand them without taking away from their “moment.”

12) Organizational Awareness: being able to demonstrate your understanding of your team’s perspectives by explaining to other stakeholders they comprehend.

Taking the time to develop these skills will have a huge return on your “investment.” You will be glad you did and so will the people you are leading. They will reward you handsomely.

To access your FREE COPY of the book mentioned, click on this link: https://www.kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook.

If you would like to have me as your leadership coach, keynote speaker at your next event, or as a leadership trainer, please connect with meĀ here.

(Published on Linkedin)