Sakeem Khan

We live in a world that seems so consumed by attaining overnight successes that often we forget that all those stories that have gone ahead in changing other’s lives for the better have been the ones that have been built from the ground up. Also, some other people have attained their definition of success in their endeavors by carving their own path and not depending on what they have already got with their family’s business and background. We came across one such youngster who belongs to both the category, where his family belonged to a political background and still he chose to create his own path, his own way; he is Sakeem Khan from Haryana. The youngster truly shows what it really takes to become the best in what one does with true passion and commitment.

Among the traits and abilities that lead to success, passion stands alone. Unlike skill, knowledge, or other factors, passion is innate: it can’t be learned or acquired but is always present. Passion, an overwhelming drive to reach one’s goals, is the one factor that unites all successful people in equal measure.

I bet you have heard it a gazillion times, that you need to have passion for what you do to be successful. But, have you ever thought about why is passion so important for success? I have been in the personal development industry for over a decade, and I’m telling you that passion is one of the keys to success says Sakeem.

This young talent has been making it huge in the vast entrepreneurial world, all on his own, believing in his dreams and making necessary actions to get nearer his goals and visions in business. Not just that, Sakeem Khan has emerged as a catalyst of change in society by coming forward to work for the people and provide them with the best of essentials and facilities amidst a global health pandemic.

Sakeem Khan showed his pure heart and intentions during the lockdown. He helped people incessantly, considering it as the true spirit of patriotism of the country. As a young social worker, he has gone beyond limits to help people in ways more than one. The young versatile businessman has truly made a special place in people’s heart through excelling at business and with his works for society.