Ravi Soni was only a young boy when he discovered about the marketing agency and since then he has never backed out from it. Like any other entrepreneur, Ravi Soni had to go through his own share of struggles too. One of the most difficult things that he had to face was to raise funds while he was starting out with his business so that he could invest in it. The main job Ravi Soni is working as a PR Specialist and FB advertisement Strategist.
We, human beings, have a lot on our plate and all the dishes are different from one another. We cannot expect each one to be delish, but we can try our best to taste everything and decide what is right for us and work accordingly to get positive results. In order to give our best at everything, we need grit, perseverance, determination and a positive attitude. Life does not greet us again and again and considering the mysterious nature of its chapters, we cannot take things for granted says Ravi.
Ravi says, one is comparing yourself with everyone else in your universe, and engaging in a futile struggle to be ‘better’ than them. The other is only looking within at yourself – and asking “Did I give it my all? Could I have done more?” Look, in the ultimate analysis, there is only so much you, me, or anybody else can do. We all come with our built-in limitations, restrictions and boundaries. No matter how eager and determined he is, a man without legs cannot win the world high jump competition, and a lady without eyesight can’t shoot brilliant world-class photographs. But do you know what matters? Not that you do better than everyone else, but that you do as best as YOU can. And that’s within reach of every single one of us.
Giving up after the first attempt seems pointless. It assumes that all your future attempts will also fail and that isn’t necessarily true. It’s like a guy who asks out a girl once and gets rejected. So he concludes that it won’t work out with any other girl anywhere. That just doesn’t make any sense. Trying your best requires multiple attempts, not just one. Rejection is a big part of the process for success in most fields. When it happens, it doesn’t mean you don’t make another attempt. Giving up after the first attempt seems pointless. It assumes that all your future attempts will also fail and that isn’t necessarily true.
It’s like a guy who asks out a girl once and gets rejected. So he concludes that it won’t work out with any other girl anywhere. That just doesn’t make any sense. Trying your best requires multiple attempts, not just one. Rejection is a big part of the process for success in most fields. When it happens, it doesn’t mean you don’t make another attempt.
“Just do your best!” How many times have you heard that piece of advice? As simple as it sounds, many of us don’t consistently put all our effort into the things we do. But although it’s possible to scrape by at school and work doing the bare minimum, real success comes only from challenging yourself to do the best you can. If you want to start trying your hardest in life, setting goals is a good way to begin. Once you’ve defined your goals, work on staying disciplined and overcoming setbacks said Ravi.
You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally. I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me! I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself quoted Ravi.