You are in a perpetual state of becoming.
You’re never done.
You never stop becoming.
Must we be so careful in choosing the outfit, hairstyle, or furnishing? Car, home, or vacation? Job, friend, or relationship? Are these final destinations/
Is there only one that’s the “right” one, and the “absolute” one you must find?
Do you really believe in just “one?”
Are you restricted to have only one love, house, dream, job, passion, life path, mission, purpose, legacy?
Are you to have it permanently and forever?
Never to expand, explore, and experience new and infinite possibilities?
No wonder you struggle.
No wonder you suffer.
YOU are forever changing.
Continually giving birth to your NEW self.
Eternally pregnant with NEW possibilities, desires, dreams.
YOU are a creative genius.
Always creating what you’ll be, have, create, learn, know, and desire next. Your next experience.
Do you not know this? Is that why you hold so tightly?
Trying to hold it all still., trying to keep things still, the same, unchanging, the world from turning.
Afraid of the unknown. Afraid to feel the excitement of new, unpredictable, change, outside the box… afraid to trust, to leap, to fall and get back up…or not to fall and actually fly.
The world condition, the earth, the animals, the plants, the people, and you, are always changing. Endlessly Evolving. Transforming. Perpetually in motion.
You are always becoming someone new.
And again.
Permit yourself to loosen your grip, relax, stretch your legs, expand your imagination, change your mind. Give yourself permission to change your plan, drop the plan, change your desire, open your heart.
Allow yourself to flow with yourself.
Your natural momentum.
Drop your oars.
And float.
You’ll be amazed at what comes to you.
Through you.
And out of you.