Everything in the universe has its own vibration. For instance, the Earth’s magnetic frequency resonates at 7.83 hertz. Earth’s frequency of 7.83 hertz has benefits on people, promoting rejuvenation, grounding, balance, enhanced memory, and more. People themselves have their own frequency as well. A person whose frequency is vibrating low likely has more negative characteristics such as low self-esteem, jealousy, fear, and anxiety. A person who is vibrating high will likely exhibit confidence, a sense of empathy, courage, and resilience. One’s frequency can waver throughout the day as energy is continually changing. However, it is essential to know how to raise and maintain a high frequency to allow manifestations to happen.
One of the reasons some people experience difficulties when it comes to manifesting their dreams is because they are not maintaining a high vibration for a long enough duration. Thus, elements of fear and uncertainty sweep in, conflicting with that person’s genuine desire to attain their goals. Luckily, there are several ways to raise one’s frequency and maintain it.
Get Out in Nature
Most people spend several hours, if not all day, communicating with other people. Take a break from work and city life. A nature walk or hike will be very beneficial for those aspiring to raise their frequency. Feeling rushed to complete assignments, meet deadlines, and take care of responsibilities can create stress. This stress is, many times, linked to one’s anxiety. These debilitating emotions lower one’s frequency, making it harder for them to think clearly. Being out in nature allows people to experience more quiet alone time. This time also allows for introspection and reflection.
Remove Toxic Relationships
A toxic relationship will significantly hinder a person’s frequency. Many times people take on the energy that is in their environment. This energy can come from people who might have toxic habits such as gossiping, complaining, over-indulging, etc. Aside from peer pressure, there is also an energetic exchange involved when surrounding one’s self with people who are also vibrating lower. To raise frequency, self-love should always be maintained, which means that a person does not subject themselves to lesser treatment from anyone.
Eat Lighter
Some people attest to feeling heavy and tired after they eat a heavy meal or certain fatty foods. These foods also translate into a person’s spiritual and mental well-being. It’s essential to consume foods that are nourishing to one’s body, mind, and soul. Preferably, foods that come from the Earth.
Article originally published on https://michellebeltran.net/