If you ask any sales people what is that one hard obstacle you face while prospecting, most of the them will say picking up the phone and start cold calling. As in my experience as well beginning of my career picking up the phone and dialing was a fear thing for me. I always had that fear what would the person on the other end screams, humiliate or reject my offer if I talk over the phone.
It took me sometime to realize that most of the problem can be resolved with one simple behavior. Pick up the phone and stat dialing.
Email is a good form of communication however it doesn’t guarantee every time that your prospect will reply to email or talk about all their problem on long thread chain of email. When you speak some one directly you get to understand their needs, you can work together to solve their problems.
Use you email to reinforce what you had talk over the phone, and keep the process moving forward.
Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter are also great tool to stay connected with your prospects,customer,potential buyers. However make use of these platform to spread awareness, sharing news letter, latest updates. The real problem connections begin when you speak over the phone, face-to-face or even a video chat.
Make calling a habit:
- If your prospect is not responding to your email, pick up the phone and start dialing.
- If you want to reach out to new potential buyers, pick up the phone and start dialing.
Sales people should always be motivated to cold calls, they should not mind being call an idiot, criticism for fed up prospects. At the end of the day “People will buy from People” not from some bots, Artificial Intelligence or speaking machine.
Start Calling.