“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” –Roy T. Bennett. After coming across this quote, I came to the realization that individuals like you and I obsessively over-analyze every situation. Constantly making up different situations in your head can leave you with a lot of negative thoughts. Having negative thoughts is a sign that someone has gone through a lot in their life. So when something good happens, it kind of surprises them.
Positivity is the oxygen your life needs. And with a positive mindset, you will see so many of your issues fade away. Yes, it’s not easy to stay positive in a chaotic and toxic world like this. However, with the help of a few positive thinking activities, you can try to change that. To help you out, I’ve mentioned five positive thinking activities that you need to incorporate in your life right now!
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1. Bring Back High-Fives
High-Fives are a good release of negative energy. Sadly, high-fives have decreased since the emergence of coronavirus. High-fiving people around you may seem weird, but it’s a good way to connect with everyone and create a happy vibe.
When you’re drowning in negativity, you need to find small ways to make yourself feel happy. And if a simple high-five can help you do that, there is no harm in trying it out. A virtual high-five would be a better option in these changing times.
2. Use the Phrase “On the Other Hand”
Using the “On the other hand” formula is quite helpful when it comes to tackling negative thoughts. Furthermore, it allows you to focus more on positive thoughts. Whenever you find yourself thinking about something negative, make sure to add “on the other hand” to diminish the negativity. This is a fantastic activity to incorporate positivity in your thinking and is very simple.
3. Mirror Mirror on the Wall
It’s time to incorporate some major Snow White vibes as part of your positivity-building activities. It’s helpful, and all you have to do is stand in front of a big mirror every morning and evening. As you look at your reflection, start pointing out what you like about yourself. This will help you gain more confidence and change your perspective on many things and situations.
4. Read Your Favourite Book
If you’re a bookworm, you will surely love this positive thinking activity. Whenever you feel hopeless, and your negative thoughts are taking over, read your favorite inspiring book. This will give you a sense of optimism, especially when you read about someone else’s success. It will guide you on what to do to reach your goals and distract you from all the negativity.
5. Use More Positive Words
Make yourself a list of positive words like can, will, yes, etc., and incorporate them in your daily conversations. Avoid words like ”cant” and ”won’t”, as this gives out a negative vibe to the other person and your brain. The more positively you speak, the more positively you think.
6. Breath it out
Lastly, the king of all positive thinking activities! Breathing. Taking long breaths helps you focus on certain things and clear your mind of all the negative dust. When you’re constantly having negative thoughts, it starts to affect your entire body. To prevent that, you need to practice proper breathing techniques. Fortunately, you can find a wealth of knowledge on this subject.
The Bottom-Line
With the help of these positive thinking activities, you can hopefully take on more of a positive mindset. Moreover, you might also see a glowing difference in your everyday life. Try out something different, like trying our chamomile shampoo before bedtime to soothe and relax your mind, or think about something different and push away the negative thoughts.