“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”– Elbert Hubbard

In a world brimful of negativity and turbulence, for a parent, it is distressing to hear their child express negative feelings and wallow in self-doubt and sadness. The manifestation of the negative behavior by a child is both physically and mentally harmful.

Developing a positive attitude in children from early days can make the tussle of life a lot easier for them as well can ease the pressure of growing up. Encouraging positive thinking and positive affirmations lead to healthy emotional well-being, mental resilience, and a heightened sense of the self.

By practicing the 10 practical tips, you can encourage positivity in your child. Help them lead a more positive and vibrant life.

1. Teach Children Loving-Kindness Meditation: Indulge your child in loving- kindness meditation. Through the technique of loving-kindness meditation foster the qualities of forgiveness, self-acceptance, and connection in your child. Scientifically, kindness can be a route to physical and mental wellbeing. Kindness strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, improves cardiovascular fitness, and much more. With loving-kindness meditation, let your child embrace and send positive vibes.

●      Choose a comfortable place for meditation.

●      Let your child sit in a meditative posture and relax

●      Make them repeat reassuring phrases like May I be happy and healthy, May I be peaceful, etc.

●      Let your child envelop the positive feelings

2. Make Children Practice Yoga Asanas: Positive thinking has long-term physiological and psychological benefits that can be enhanced with the practice of yoga asanas. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting emotional stability, the science of yoga helps in the development of positive attitude and happier personality.

●      Warrior Series: In the Warrior I and II poses, encourage your child to breathe and let go off all the negativity.

●      Cat-Cow Stretch: The subtle cat-cow stretch is well-regarded for creating emotional balance. Add a play theme to make the practice interesting for children.

●      Tree Pose: In the Vrikshasana, let your child improve his sense of balance and connection.

3. Introduce a Bit of Yoga Philosophy: A positive mindset is a key to embracing a blissful life and not get carried away by the desires of lust, envy, or greed. The Yamas and Niyamas in the Patanjali Sutras are the guidelines offered for enhanced mental and emotional wellbeing. Through the teachings, thechildren learn the values of Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Santosha (contentment), Asteya (non-stealing) and so much more that helps them lead a life that is more meaningful and also helps them deal with unseemly situations with ease.

4. Feed them Healthy Diet: The food consumed by your child directly affects his mood and emotions. Raw and organic foods aid in detoxification and mental clarity. Include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods containing omega 3 acids, whole grains, etc., to lift up their spirits. 

5. Indulgence in Karma Yoga Projects: Indulge your child in Karma Yoga projects in order to make them understand the concept of selfless actions. As the attachment with results leads to stress, competition, and aggression, the acts of altruism help in the development of a spiritual mindset. And, spirituality is associated with a heightened positive mental health.

6. Make them Undergo Ayurveda Healing: Through the growing years of your child, support his development with the science of Ayurveda. You can start by establishing a daily Ayurveda routine characterized by 7-8 hours of sleep, nutritious diet, stretching, Ayurveda massages, etc., for balancing the doshas that help manage restlessness and hyperactivity as well.

7. Let them Repeat the Mantras: Help your child learn the sacred mantras like ‘I am thankful– a mantra for practicing gratitude’, ‘Let it go–  a powerful mantra to help your child let go of any pent-up frustration and suppressing emotions’. As your child repeats these mindful mantras every day, they learn to deal with their anger and slowly they can develop a peaceful and optimistic mind.

8. Teach them Santosha: Teach your child the principle of Santosha, i.e., contentment. A mindset of contentment supports virtues of non-stealing, inner peace, and compassion. With Santosha, children learn to embrace happiness in every situation. 

9. Read Inspiring Books: Encourage your child to read inspiring and motivational stories that help them develop strong schemas around the concepts of kindness, mindfulness, and compassion. You can also develop a bedtime reading routine where you can calm your child and shift him to sleep mode through inspiring stories full of morals.

10. Create A Positive Environment: Create a physically positive environment that contributes to a positive outlook in life. Make use of pastel shades in your child’s room to design an uplifting atmosphere. As a parent, focus on their strengths and help them develop an attitude of compassion and self-love.

Shobhit Kumar is a passionate Traveler. He is currently working with India Holiday Mall. One of India’s leading online Indian holiday destination, offer holiday packages such as Tour packages of Nepal, Golden Triangle Tour India, South India Tour, Luxury Holidays in India , Pilgrimage Tourism of India  , Wildlife Tours in India , Rajasthan Holiday Packages, Tour Packages to bhutan and many more.