Sometimes you don’t even know that
you’re feeling it until you turn your head
and your neck hurts, Maybe you feel a
constant pit in your stomach, or you notice
your heart is beating faster than normal.

The truth is, some stress is normal … but
chronic stress (like what can be happening
right now with everything going on) can do
a real number on your body.


Over time, having too many stress
hormones in your system is linked with
increased inflammation … and all the
problems associated with it!

What can you do about it?
Most of us have never learned how to use
the powers within our own bodies to cope
with stress.

In fact, many of us were taught to “walk it
off” and ignore it, in hopes that it would
just magically go away.

If you’re not careful, feeling stressed can
even become your new “normal,” so you
don’t feel like yourself unless you’re
feeling the pressure.

Here are ways to TAKE BACK CONTROL

Calm YOUR Mind

Over time, stress can become such a habit that it
starts to feel normal.
How do you know if stress has become a way of life?

Listen to the voice in your head and be aware of
what it’s telling you.

  • Is it repeating stressful
    thoughts or phrases throughout the day? That’s
    one big clue.
    Every once in a while, do a quick body scan: is
    your jaw clenched? Your shoulders tight? Are you
    holding your breath?
    You often feel full of dread, sadness, or anger,
    and wonder why no one else is getting with the
    (your) program.
    Over time, stress can become such a habit that it
    starts to feel normal.
    How do you know if stress has become a way of

If these sound familiar, it’s time to start making
some mindset shifts.