Is self-care really necessary in achieving success? I believe it is. Those who can focus on themselves and not on others will have a clear-cut path to achieve their professional goals. So how do you practice self-care in the workplace? I have a few ideas on how to do it.

Why Self-Care at Work is So Important

Giving yourself the care you need creates a good balance between your personal and professional life. It prevents burnout, equips you to respond to stress effectively, and it can begin carving a path to career success. Maintaining consistent self-care is becoming more essential in this high-octane working world – so developing these practices is important.

Here Are 3 Ways You Can Practice Self-Care at Work

While there are multiple ideas, thoughts, and methods to practice self-care at work, sometimes it’s best to keep it simple.  Here are 3 ways in which you can consistently care for yourself in the workplace, all manageable and achievable.

1. Reduce your stress by focusing on yourself.

It may seem like a trivial concept to always take care of yourself, but it’s all too easy to get too dedicated to your work. Sometimes people feel like they need to put their superiors and colleagues before themselves. That can lead to excessive stress!

Give yourself some personal time at work, such as a lunch hour. Stay organized, so you don’t always have someone telling you what to do. Most importantly – do not sacrifice anything in your professional life that you would not sacrifice at home. Maintaining a balanced environment is key to minimizing stress.

2. Change is inevitable. Learn to adapt to it.

It is OK to fear change. We never enjoy our lives when things are uncertain. Perhaps there is new management at your place of work. Maybe you are dealing with a career transition. Even promotions can cause you to feel unsettled. Whatever the case, changes will happen in your working life and they will naturally cause a bit of anxiety.

Effective self-care will help you manage whatever professional curveballs are thrown at you. Set up some adaptation tools to help guide yourself through turbulent waters. These include avoiding superficial work relationships, ditching the to-do lists, and doing what is necessary to elevate your health and happiness at work.

3. Value your relationships – friends, family, and colleagues.

One of the most effective self-care techniques is to value your relationships you have. Your friends, family, and colleagues can be essential in looking after yourself in the workplace. They make up part of your identity and serve as a point of consistency when things change. Not to mention, they are great for relieving stress – things feel better when you talk it out with others! 

Maintain a Self-Care Routine at your Workplace to Achieve the Success You Deserve

Carrying out successful self-care practices at work involves building a routine that includes the above practices. Self-care should be part of your everyday habits at work so when the tough assignments or moments show up, you will be better prepared to take them on. If you are not able to schedule self-care, it may be time to have a chat with your superiors about opening opportunities to include self-care in your daily practice.

After all, it is you who matters most!