The brand new year of 2019 is upon us. How successful you or I will be in it is largely up to us. Much of that is further determined by how open we are to moving in new directions. Moving in new directions could mean a lot of different things depending on life circumstances.
Here are important points to ponder as you prepare for success in 2019:
Be Positive Regardless Of Your Problems. Yes, I realize you do not have to look far to find difficulties, roadblocks, and bad news. Nevertheless, carrying a negative attitude into those challenges never did any good, did it? On the other hand, by attacking every challenge with a positive attitude, you consciously and subconsciously unleash more resources. Those additional resources often make a significant difference in the outcome.
Face Your Failures. Sometimes it is easier to hide from your failures. Nevertheless, denial does not mean deletion. Worse yet, denial does you a disservice. Only by fully facing the things you messed up can you learn from them. You should be smarter entering 2019 than you were entering 2018.
If You Are A Business Owner. You might come to realize 2019 demands some new strategies and policies. Will you implement them, and if so, how will you implement them? Thinking those steps through ahead of time can make all the difference in the world. Change is not always easy, but by planning for it and embracing it with a positive attitude you can make it more enjoyable and exciting.
If You Are An Employee. Think about how you can add more value to your organization. Might you have some new approaches that will benefit your colleagues and customers? Do you have ideas or insights whose time has come? Look for new or unique ways to enhance collaboration and success for your team.
If You Are Unemployed. How might this be an opportunity to reinvent you? Could this be the time you search in some totally different directions for that dream job? Although searching for a new job is a fulltime job, remember to give yourself some downtime. Perhaps now is the perfect time to dive into some of those pie-in-the-sky projects you just never had time for in the past. How might you reorganize your life for better balance going forward?
Never Discount Your Experience. You are usually your worst critic. Take a fresh look at your experience–all of it–with an eye to capitalizing upon the hidden gold. Surely there are some lessons you have learned from which you can benefit. By analyzing those lessons now, you can build toward more solid successes in 2019. You can bring a vibrant freshness to your future. Pay attention to what Mel Robbins affirms (The 5 Second Rule. United States: Savio Republic, 2017):
“There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.” (p. 193)
Appreciate The Beauty Within Each Day. Sure, life is tough. But it’s a whole lot more than that. Life is an absolutely amazing gift! In spite of all the difficulties, your successful navigation day by day and moment by moment happens when you paradoxically see the intrinsic beauty that is transcendently present. L. R. Knost captures the sentiment well :
“Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.”
Be Humble. I never met a person who thought he or she knew it all that learned something new. I enjoy learning new things . . . every single day. However, I will never learn something new if I already know it all.
Remember Your Resources. You have friends, mentors, and loved ones around you who genuinely care about you. You have a philosophy of life, and religious and spiritual convictions that sustain you. You have hidden opportunities just waiting to be discovered. You have time-tested strengths and abilities. Summon all those terrific resources because they are there to serve you.
This year could become the most successful year of your life. I hope and pray that it is. Make it so!