Have you watched Schitt’s Creek? What a fabulous show! I watched/binged it when it came up on Netflix. I have recommended it so many times to people I know that are having issues accepting their children for who they are.

Of course the basis of all our relationships, including the ones on the show, is LOVE.

Listening to understand and skipping judgement are a big part of acceptance. Really, who cares what others think about you? It’s much easier to say than practice for most of us.

If we all could remember the time when someone else made fun of us in front of others, would we be more compassionate and understanding of others? I can’t say that I have been in your shoes if you are part of the LGBTQ community, although I can for sure say without a shadow of doubt that I LOVE YOU no matter who you are or where you are coming from.

I know it is challenging to understand when someone has issues around LGBTQ conversation. Since we talk about acceptance and tolerance we need to accept and tolerate people that have little to no understanding about LGBTQ community. However, we don’t need to condone, enable or understand their perspectives. We have the duty to educate these people and let them know there is no scale for “normal”. There should be no place for intolerance. We are not going to engage in conversation if there is any sort of judgement towards LGBTQ community. It is unacceptable.

Homophobia is a cancer for our world along with racism and misogyny. The fact that you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it is wrong, it only means you are ignorant.


Boost Your Brain Workshop. Complimentary!

Date: Wednesday the June 23 at 4 pm PST

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