Do you procrastinate? I remember well a session with my life coach when I ashamedly told her that I felt lazy, that I was only in the mood to watch programs on Netflix instead of working on my projects, creating workshops to attract clients or even working out. And yes, I used to beat myself … Continued
I remember well a session with my life coach when I ashamedly told her that I felt lazy, that I was only in the mood to watch programs on Netflix instead of working on my projects, creating workshops to attract clients or even working out. And yes, I used to beat myself up for this. What was my coach’s advice? “Petra, let yourself watch and enjoy the programs. Judging yourself and beating yourself up does not help to get you out of this situation! But let’s see what’s behind this pattern.”
Really? She wanted me to love myself for this and enjoy hanging out on the couch? Hmmm….but she was right. If you were to hire me today, I would give you the same advice. And at the same time, we would work on WHY you prefer hiding at home and watching movies to numb yourself.
Mostly, when we procrastinate, we have a fear deep down.
We are not just lazy or demotivated, mostly we are even super motivated but afraid of what could come out of this. Afraid that we could be amazing, that we could attract new clients, that we could get out and find a magnificent partner. We just feel so much fear and anxiety about this incredible results that we could create. We are afraid of being this magnificent person that becomes famous! Does this resonate with you? Do you know what I mean?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I that is so brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? (from a course in miracles, Marianne Williamson)
Maybe you are starting a new business, you have ideas about what you want to create, you know deep inside that you are the one who could help others but you feel ashamed and feel the fear of being rejected so you tell yourself: “Who do you think you are? Naaa others can do this, but not me!” And silently and demotivated you hide on the couch with chocolate and a movie. You simply procrastinate.
I am sure you have had these situations. AND: it is ok to feel it, it is the fearful ego talking to you, and we can tame it to overcome the fear and finally start a divinely-inspired life where we have this connection to our soul, our desires and create with pleasure the life we always wanted to live and we know deep inside that we can have.
But it is ok to feel all this for a certain time and then to work on it to overcome this emotion. To overcome the fear and to be great beyond measure. To become the person you know exists deep inside of you but you are afraid to unleash.
I am sure you have had these situations. AND: it is ok to feel it, it is the fearful ego talking to you, and we can tame it to overcome the fear and finally start a divinely-inspired life where we have this connection to our soul, our desires and create with pleasure the life we always wanted to live and we know deep inside that we can have.
So let’s have a closer look:
procrastination is a self-protection pattern
beating yourself up is not helping to get you out of it
the more you allow yourself to feel your fear, the easier you can overcome it
I have created a meditation for you, and I would love you to use it, when you feel this fear and the anxiety, when you feel down and you just want to sit and watch movies, clean the house or distract yourself with stuff that is quite unnecessary at that moment and just holds you back from doing your work to shine.
The meditation will help you to take back the control and not leave it up to your ego making fear-based decisions for you, become curious about your desires and goals, learn to prioritize to become the person you want to be. You know what she looks like, unleash her with love and excitement.
Bye bye procrastination, bye bye fear!
To listen to my meditation, please click here and find all the instructions.
Do you know that I have written a book about my life changes, how yoga and meditation helped me to live the life I dreamed of? If you are interested, please go to Amazon and order your copy.
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