Last year companies went remote in staggering numbers.. Due to the pandemic, most businesses were forced to adapt quickly to working from home. This meant that not only did leaders have to ensure that their employees were able to handle the shift and remain engaged, but that the company also had to incorporate team building and wellness programs in a totally new way.
Of course, many organizations already had existing wellness programs, however, a large number of these programs were simply not created to serve the workforce remotely. The events of the past year have heightened the stress of most people so it is imperative that those in leadership positions are fostering the wellness of their employees.
Here are a few wellness program ideas to help remote employees.
Provide Effective Stress-Relief Techniques
It is more important than ever for companies to promote health and wellness, not just physically but mentally. As everyone navigates the uncertainty of this day and age things such as yoga, mediations, and breathing techniques can help people to relieve stress and avoid burnout. Consider creating a resource where employees can find different ways to handle stress. Apps such as Headspace are wonderful for meditations and Happier is a great app for people looking for help sleeping or gaining important insight.
Share the resource with the entire team and make sure to include links to the websites. Furthermore, make sure that all employees know where to find the employee assistance programs. Things such as mental health support, benefits information, and coverage details should be easy for people to find and navigate.
Mix Up Meetings with Fun Games and Conversations
Meetings aren’t usually the highlight of anyone’s day, however, meetings on Zoom or Skype can be particularly daunting. Try keeping your team engaged and motivated by having an open conversation before starting each meeting. A lot of people are feeling isolated so allowing people to talk to each other, whether about their days or how they’re feeling can be a huge mood boost before a meeting.
Another great idea is to find a fun game online to play together as a team. There are a plethora of websites that offer free games, whether it’s hangman or Pictionary. Hosting a game during meetings is not only a great way to relieve stress, but it is also a wonderful way to promote collaboration.
Originally published on Jack Nourafshan’s website.