An overwhelmed feeling is gripping everyone as most of us are spending our time indoors to comply with the government health advisories amid the Covid19 pandemic. While the containment measures might be effective to stop the spread of infection, the disruptions to our lives are taking a toll on our mental health. Everybody is under tremendous stress due to the uncertainty about the future as job losses and business closures are rampant.
Anxiety and depression are reflecting on significant behavioral changes that are affecting our wellness. The inability to adapt to a new routine that can ensure engagement throughout the day increases stress, making us unhappy and helpless. Added to this is the concern of stigmatization of the survivors of Covid19 that push them more towards despair, observes Jared Jeffrey Davis.
During the testing times, we must learn how to take care of our mental health to overcome depression and anxiety effectively to make us more resilient in the fight to stay healthy during the pandemic.
Limit your access to news and information, suggests Jared Jeffrey Davis
You must stay well informed about what is happening around you during the pandemic but be careful not to bite more than you can chew. Overload of information can be bewildering and confuse you as you will find it hard to filter out unwanted information from the deluge. The barrage of information will impair your ability to look at things from the right perspective and make the right decision at the right time. To protect your mental balance, be selective in consuming information from trusted sources only and that too in limited quantity so that you can view things in their proper perspective and avoid disturbing news and information that can only add stress.
Engage in interesting activities
Boredom can be your biggest enemy as it builds up stress. To avoid the monotony of prolonged confinement that can make you feel depressed, engage in some activities that you find interesting. It will help to find some purpose in life amid the uncertainties. Share your little pleasure with others and include your family members by engaging in group activities like mental games and quizzes that refresh the mind.
Be attentive to what your body and mind needs
For your overall wellness, ensure that you have a relaxed body and mind. Stressful minds are injurious for your physical health, but it is also true that poor physical health can cause mental stress and anxiety. Therefore, look after your physical health with as much importance as protecting your mental health. A single solution to both is to practice meditation that helps you see the brighter side of life, bringing a lot of hope to wipe out the gloom.
Meditation will calm your mind and create a sense of detachment to control the situations better and protect your mind from unwanted stress. When your body and mind work in unison, it adds a feel-good factor to your life.