The discussion about mental health has evolved a lot in recent years, but addressing this issue in the workplace can still be a “taboo” for many – and that is a big mistake. WHO estimates that mental health disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion a year in lost productivity. 

That is why it is so important that companies focus their resources on precautionary measures, starting with the construction of a mentally healthy workplace for everyone.

Taking preventive measures and investing in mental health can positively impact productivity, company culture and staff turnover rates. 

Today, Rajiv Gupta shares 5 ways to positively contribute to the mental health of your coworkers and employees.

1. Raise awareness across all sectors and levels

Changing the idea that each person has about mental health is a process that should reach everyone. Directors, managers and people in other leadership roles must be concerned about their team’s mental health and strive to establish a mentally healthy work environment for everyone.

It is important to develop actions that promote a culture that defends mental well-being, in addition to demonstrating acceptance and support to those who need help, normalizing mental health problems and addressing the stigma surrounding this issue.

The organization should be transparent about its support for these issues and work not to be a causative agent of the issue.

2. Create a culture of acceptance

Workplace stress are one of the main reasons for declining mental health among employees. Implementing this awareness can transform the company’s culture into a supportive culture. 

3. Provide adequate support

Employers need to provide the appropriate support and assistance to their employees regarding their emotional well-being.

One way to do this is to implement an employee assistance program or mental health plan that helps employees actively monitor and manage their emotional health status. 

Offer options where your employees can prioritize their mental health, such as flexible working hours, working from home, or paid days off.

4. Provide clear information about support actions

Once you’ve established a mental health support system for your employees, you need to make it accessible to everyone. This means that any employee who needs help must know who to approach and where.

5. Train the leaders

Leaders are in the perfect position to help – they have direct daily contact with their team as well as direct contact with other sectors and other leaders in the company. Training focused on mental health can enable these leaders to be aware of signs of mental crisis and stress, in addition to promoting a pleasant and inclusive environment.
