There are some people who have wanted to be parents all their lives. Yet, not everyone who gets pregnant was planning on it. In fact, there are some expectant couples that didn’t even factor in having children at all. So, finding out that you have a baby on the way can be shocking for some, to say the least. Though apprehensive about how drastically their lives will change once the baby arrives, many expectant couples learn just how purposeful being a parent really is before their little one arrives.
Pregnancy Milestones
In the very beginning stages of pregnancy, it can be hard to realize the joys of parenting or how this impacts your purpose in life. Women go through a plethora of hormonal and physical changes that, in the first trimester, often leave them feeling sick or in pain. However, throughout the pregnancy, there are certain milestones that can create a positive mindset. The very first time you see your tiny bean growing in your womb, hear their tiny heartbeat, feel them kicking and moving around in your tummy, or learn the gender of your unborn child (which, by the way, you can learn earlier at home with a baby gender predictor), something clicks in your heart and mind reminding you that there’s something special growing inside of you.
Seeing Other Children
It’s strange how the moment you find out you’re pregnant, you start looking at children in a whole new light. You see the innocence in their eyes, the joy in their hearts, and their positive outlook on life and you want nothing more than to cultivate that same in your own child. The more time you spend with other children, the more you see just how amazing they really are, how preciously they view life, and how enamored they are with their parents. How could you not begin to see the joys and purpose of parenting?
Talking to Parents
When you’re dealing with a first-time pregnancy, gaining advice from those with experience is recommended. Talking with other parents will not only give you hacks on how to survive the first year of parenting but can also give you more insight on what your purpose is as a parent. What you’ll find is that while parenting does take a lot of work and alter your life in every way, there’s a bigger picture. You’ll hear parents talk about the joys of parenting and how they take pride in raising happy and healthy human beings.
Remembering Your Own Childhood
With a little one on the way, it is not uncommon to reminisce about your own upbringing. As you sit and think about where you are today and how your parents helped to play a significant role in that, it all starts to come together. You realize, that without the love, support, guidance, and protection of your mother and father, that you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Essentially, you begin to realize just how significant your place is in your unborn child’s life. It is your responsibility to provide them with the best life you possibly can. To instill in them positive morals and beliefs, help them navigate life, chase their dreams, and be prosperous. It is, therefore, greatly based on your efforts, how great of an adult your child will grow up to be one day.
Newborn Arrival
If you haven’t yet realized just how much purpose your life will have as a parent, you’ll know instantly once the baby arrives. There’s something about seeing this tiny version of yourself come into the world that puts everything into perspective. Here is this tiny person that you are responsible for loving, nurturing, guiding, and supporting until they become an adult (Don’t be fooled, however, parenting doesn’t stop at 18). It changes your outlook on things encouraging you to be and do everything you can to ensure that your child has a better life than you ever did.
Whether you planned your pregnancy or it came as a surprise, it’s not uncommon to think about how raising a child will alter your life. Don’t spend too much time focused on the struggles but instead think about how becoming a parent can add value, meaning, and purpose to your life. Knowing that you’re responsible for raising the next police officer, lawyer, teacher, judge, or president of the united states gives you unspeakable joy, inspiration, and drive to be the best person you can be for your kids.