“An optimist does not stand in the rain , (s)he is taking a shower under a cloud ☁️ “ Thomas Romanus
I’ve always aligned with alchemy and loved Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist. On the 23rd October 2020 I posted this on my Instagram.
If you believe that all possible frequency combinations already exist at this very moment. This means you can change your frequency by changing your thoughts, attitudes and assumptions.
Okay so let me first admit the term recalibrating the universe is borrowed from an online TV show called MODERN LOVE an anthology series beginning on Amazon Prime Video telling stories from across New York City. Inspired by the column in The New York Times of the same name, the episodes are each based on personal essays published in the newspaper.
Yasmine in the show Modern Love explains that her mother always told her to ‘recalibrate the Universe’. So, if someone cuts you up in traffic, you should be extra kind and courteous about letting the next driver in. If someone steals your wallet, you swiftly donate some money. I love this! In these situations, the tendency might be to do match the energy and react in retaliation, to cut another driver off or to hold onto cash more tightly but instead…this is where you do the complete opposite.⠀
I have noticed this with finances, changing state can be done simply that you can shift your vibration from fear, scarcity and need to abundance and flow by leaving a tip or giving a donation, buying a gift, especially when you feel on the edge. It feels good, it’s this feeling that shifts your state, which changes your energy, which in turn magnetises like for like energy attracting more feel good abundant experiences and shifts the odds in your favour. That is what we all know as the law of attraction.
It’s the conscious choices we make that alter our trajectory.
Too many times in life we can be reactive not responsive. Stressed is a code word for fear and we must stop ourselves from being scared and think about the outcome we want to magnetise and how we want to make others feel.
“It’s our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
J.K Rowling
I once heard that being a leader has nothing to do with job title it’s all about leading with every decision you make and how you choose to communicate and make others feel by your presence or indeed your absence. You will always find out more about a person by how they react when things go wrong than how they react when things go right. A higher level of operating is to respond not react in all situations, to pause, take independent thought and respond. If you are not able to do that it’s because you are not allowing yourself to have mind space. Enough time to think quietly and work from rest. Go, Go Go is the fastest route in both the wrong direction and often leads to a short life always wanting more not a long one feeling content.
My advice about money mindset
Take the path less crowded your money mindset has a lot to do with your self-identity, financial past and current energetic exchange with money. Just remember all of this is learnt and therefore all can be unlearnt very quickly. I would look at highly qualified financial coaches such as Catherine Morgan. I would also look at self-identity work and NLP and Timeline therapy to eradicate these life limiting beliefs. Then I would look at setting abundance habits and habit stacking. This is daily practice to keep things in check, not a flash in the pan fix.
Remember you may be operating from your ego if your money mindset is squiffy at best and if you find yourself reactive rather than responsive. Let’s talk about ego…Ego takes everything personally. It uses interactions with people to prove we matter. That we exist.⠀
Ego comes from a space of fear. It creates a steady story of limitation to keep us in the familiar. To repeat what we know. There’s perceived safety in comfort.⠀
Ego believes the illusion of competition. It creates an ‘us’ vs.’ them mentality. Its roots of scarcity disconnect us from others + create threats out of other people.⠀
And we stay hooked. Hooked into the steady thought stream in our mind. Believing them to be true. Believing we ARE our thoughts. That we ARE our emotions. That we ARE our beliefs.⠀
This is why we continue repeating the past— we go along without question. On autopilot, we exist within the lens of our past.⠀
Peace comes with practiced awareness. With self-observation. With witnessing our thoughts, as separate from us. Then we can make choices beyond the habit self. All our power lies there.⠀
This movement is about that space of power. The silent moments where you witness your ego without judgment, then act in alignment with your highest self. The self you know is somewhere in there, desperate to express.⠀
Do you want to work for your ego, or do you want to experience peace?
You are never too old or too young to reframe your thinking…
Developing a healthy money mindset in my opinion should be everyone’s priority, sometimes as young adults we carry our parents or ancestors ‘energy around money. Living below current means increasing your future means. So always save or accumulate more than you spend. “It shouldn’t be burning a hole in your pocket?” Not spending money is viewed as a sacrifice but it is actually a freedom. You create and build future financial freedom.⠀
In business one difficult or co-dependent client might overstep boundaries not laid down firmly enough and take up three times the time as another client and yet you charge the same. You’ve got to value your time and energy the most, you’ve got to love boundaries and say no unapologetically by doing this you are choosing YOU. When you do this repeatedly, you are on the right path.
Wealth without struggle
“The strongest force in the universe is compound interest.”
Albert Einstein
It took me a long time to realise the power of compounding interest as it relates to personal wealth. ⠀
Compounding interest is something every young person should learn about in school and something every parent should teach their kids. If you want to be wealthy, you have to understand it. ⠀
It doesn’t ultimately matter how much money you save, what matters is the interest you get on that money and how long you get that interest rate for. Don’t save your money, invest your money, that may be the difference between you becoming wealthy or not. ⠀
If you invested £10k and managed to get 15% annual interest on it for 33 years, you’ll be a millionaire! Search for compounding interest calculator and check out how much of an impact increasing the interest and the time period has.⠀
Naturally as my fiancé (who works within the Financial Industry) reminds me its’ finding the vehicle(s) that delivers that percentage and maintains this safely for you … is where the next challenge is.
Unblock your money mindset and head for abundance.
Here’s a short podcast to listen to in bed one evening or after yoga.
Creating An Abundant Money Mindset with Marisa Peer episode of The Mindvalley Podcast with Vishen Lakhiani https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Gh6TuKQZxt3naNji3B1l0?si=vtDyskieTB-fKm95meNbZA
Let me know if it helps! You can find me on Instagram @siangunney
Or visit Sian Gunney on Linktree below.