Everyone has certain people, places, and things that are an emotional trigger for them. It is a problem that is inevitable in peoples’ lives. This makes it important to be aware of what causes one’s emotions to fluctuate and how to manage them.

The first step in the process is to be able to identify emotional triggers. Some common triggers include having to say no to someone, and being at someone else’s mercy when it comes to time management. Others that are common include allowing those in roles of authority to dictate what someone can or can’t do. People will struggle less when they can learn to recognize their own emotional triggers.

Once they are able to do so, the next step is being able to spot what will cause emotions in an individual. Many times, a social situation is all it takes to trigger negative emotions. The best approach to handling it is to pay attention to the circumstances surrounding each triggering event. By doing so, it makes it easier to find a pattern that will serve as a warning when one’s emotions will be triggered in the future.

Doing so can help people make the changes they need to avoid something they know will upset them. One of the most effective ways of changing future circumstances is to look at a situation from an outsider’s viewpoint. Others include being able to adjust to a stressful or undesirable situation and changing the way one thinks about it.

Figuring out the internal causes of emotional triggers is just as important. When people study their own negative behavior they can and do find ways to make it positive instead. A thorough understanding of one’s self goes a long way in managing their triggers.

It is important to acknowledge that everyone in the world has his or her own ways in which their emotions are brought to the surface. Much like people work to eliminate their own bad habits, the same approach can be applied to managing emotions.

Many people benefit from keeping a journal to document what triggers them. Writing down every incident of bad behavior can help one correct their behavior over time. This leads to personal changes, emotional growth, and overall self-improvement.



Originally published on manishgaurcolorado.com