Living in modern society has many perks but can often leave us feeling disconnected to nature and other beings on this Earth. This is because we spend most of our days away from nature and any other species but ourselves. Reconnecting with nature will make you feel more complete than you thought was possible. As well as that, it will help you see how amazing the Earth is and why it’s so important we preserve it. Living in harmony with all of Earth’s creatures makes you a more empathic and loving person, too.
1. Beary extraordinary in Canada
The grizzly bear is one of the most awe and fear inspiring creatures there are. They’re also very important to the natural ecosystem in Canada and you can help protect them from anyone who means them harm! British Columbia invites you to explore it’s wild nature and encounter more than just bears. Whales and wolves also occupy this area and you might get to see some on your trips to bear havens, remote beach exploration, and the whale research stations.
This whole trip will be centred around getting to know nature better and letting it charm you completely. You’ll get to meet the locals who have the same admiration for the great white north that you do in local villages, as well. Don’t worry, this trip won’t be for nothing, as proceeds from your trip will benefit conservation efforts in Canada. In other words, by getting to know the bears of British Columbia, you’ll be protecting them.
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
2. The king of the Namibian jungle
If you’ve always been a fan of big cats, helping veterinarians and performing veterinary checks of desert cats could be just the adventure you need to feel more at one with the world. You can also conduct local research in the desert Rhino Camp and help the black rhino species stay alive. This will help you form a special connection with the species, as you’ll understand exactly what it needs to stay alive and prosper.
If that’s not enough, you’ll learn directly from an expert on the desert lion, Dr. Flip Stander. Who better to tell you about what makes nature so amazing and make you feel connected to it than someone who spent years isolated in the desert learning about it? If you visit in June, you’ll have the unique opportunity to actually weigh, vaccinate, and measure lions, cheetahs, and leopards.
3. The upside of the Down Under
One of the best ways to travel this beautiful continent, see its wonders, and help animals living in it, is to volunteer in Australia. Here, you’ll find species you didn’t even know existed and you’ll get to help them live their best lives. From taking care of sea turtles to volunteering at wildlife sanctuaries, there are plenty of ways you can contribute to Australian wildlife.
The trickiest part about volunteering in this part of the world is getting there. As you know, Australia is practically isolated from the rest of the world, making it hard to get there unless you opt for the best aircraft charter. This way, you’ll have a more comfortable flight and you’ll be less jet-lagged when you land. You’ll be ready for the excitement to take over and you’ll want to jump right into the action. Remember, your flight will likely be over 10 hours, so it’s essential to be comfortable.
Photo by Joseph Pérez on Unsplash
4. Manatees of the Caribbean!
Belize offers a one of a kind opportunity for all sea lovers out there. You can make an impact, help animals, and feel more like one of Mother Nature’s children by being aware of the struggles manatees face every day. Don’t worry, you won’t just admire them from afar. What’s the point of reconnecting with nature when you can’t fully immerse yourself in it?
You’ll get to feel just how cleansing the waters of the ocean can feel because there are many programs that allow you to dive below the surface and get close and personal with one of Mother Nature’s most interesting children. The West Indian Manatee is a very important species, so you’ll spend days tracking its health and measuring environmental factors. Your important work will allow organizations and scientists to help this species and improve their life.
As you can see, there are many ways you can come back to Mother Earth. It gave us life and we out it to take care of all of its creatures and nature. There’s nothing more stunning than Earth’s natural wonders and nothing more mesmerizing than the species you can meet. If you want to bring your existence to a whole new level, you definitely need to start your journey to reconnecting with nature and helping our siblings- the animals.