Finding personnel is not an easy task. According to the heads of HR departments, in order to find employees that meet the requests and requirements of the customer, it is necessary to do a lot of work.
To find and select the necessary employees, a wide variety of tools from the arsenal of psychological science are used: biographical questionnaires, standardized and non-standardized interviews, tasks that simulate work performance and situational exercises, tests of achievement, personality, intelligence and abilities, polygraphic examinations and much, much more. What recruiting agencies and recruiters haven’t learned over the past few years. It cannot be said that the use of psychological methods is absolutely devoid of any difficulties, however, many years of experience in using selection tools in a competitive environment, most often rests on such details as drawing up labor agreements, contracts, providing a full motivational package.
The few methods available to domestic psychologists have been borrowed abroad, and their adaptation in the overwhelming majority of cases has been reduced to a simple translation. As a result, the techniques that can somehow be used in the search and selection of personnel do not meet the basic psychometric requirements.
The second serious obstacle to the use of modern psychological diagnostics in the practice of professional selection is the low level of psychological training of both the heads of customer organizations and, alas, the candidates themselves who wish to get a job without making any special efforts. Therefore, for professional psychological selection of personnel and solving other problems in the company related to personnel assessment, not only trained psychologists are needed, but also well-proven psychological assessment tools that meet all the necessary requirements.
Using recruiting agencies
Using a recruiting agency when recruiting you and your company will most likely have to spend a considerable amount of money. There is another, no less tempting option than attracting an agency from outside. Your own HR department can be very helpful, and even bring you regular profits. All this is feasible only if professionals are engaged in the selection of personnel. This is where the trap lies – regular deliveries of “quality” personnel and regular profits in today’s agency format have come into conflict. With the present approach of the owners and managers of a recruiting agency to business, a milestone has been reached, beyond which there is either a collapse or a rethinking of what a recruiting business is.
None of us has any doubts that recruitment agencies are service providers. Recruitment agencies, at present, are focused on regular customers, which for them are enterprises that regularly order personnel. At first glance, everything is in order, but only at first glance. Even those enterprises that regularly need to search for personnel do not know how many recruiting agencies operate in their city. Recently, it seems that the economy is developing at a galloping pace and there is not enough personnel all the time. Although on the market, on the contrary, a crazy number of recruiting agencies serve specific businesses. Accordingly, either recruitment agencies supply the wrong staff, or they work so poorly that the client enterprise must constantly change the agency. There are also such cases when there is really no necessary personnel on the market, then the process begins “I blinded him from what was”. The difficulties that have arisen in this regard are not difficult to settle, once again turning to new recruiting agencies.
War for talent
Recruitment of personnel in our time is a real “war for talents” and appropriate weapons should be used. Poaching personnel from competitors is the most important instrument of competition. This selection strategy has turned out to be one of the most aggressive and efficient on the market. The motto of head hunting professionals is: “If we are constantly poaching clients from other companies, why don’t we take care of their best employees?” As part of an aggressive HR department, the group of “internal direct search” is most often distinguished. The group specializes in searching for talented managers within the company: in the network of branches around the country, personnel are monitored and the performance of employees is assessed, and distinguished managers are encouraged to move up the career ladder. Result: thousands of dollars,
A long-term plan for the need for talented employees for six months or more has been developed. It is based primarily on the career plans of its employees, as well as on the company’s growth forecast. The HR department enters into written agreements with internal customers, other departments and affiliates about the quality of service and how they interact. The goal is to clarify needs, improve service for internal customers, and optimize resources. Everything is painted down to the smallest detail. For example, recruiters are committed to responding to any request within 24 hours; make proposals to selected candidates within 2 hours after receiving such a decision and much more. Line managers, for example, are required to make decisions on candidates within 48 hours.
Aggressive recruiting
Aggressive recruiting companies prioritize positions that are critical to the company’s mission. The most important are positions related to customer service and business profitability. Extended competency maps for internal recruiters are being developed, including the ability to persuade, make decisions, independence, excellent communication skills, energy, and the ability to sell. It is believed that the recruiter is a key position in the company that directly affects the growth of profits. The manager and internal trainer periodically listen to how recruiters make cold calls, how they negotiate with candidates and referees. And recruiters know about it. After the call, they conduct debriefing and develop negotiation techniques. Also, weekly 4-hour trainings are held on such topics as how to “pass the secretary without legends and lies”, “overcoming the objections of a candidate like” I don’t need a new job. ” Recruiters are taught how to work with “passive” candidates, sources of information, influencers, how to establish long-term relationships with the right people, and much more.
Line managers are also trained in behavioral interview techniques. Although this technique is accepted in many companies, it is usually only used by recruiters. For the selection accuracy and error reduction, special questionnaires have been developed for different departments, and managers are trained to use them. The database of candidates, with aggressive recruiting, contains information about the “competitive advantages” of the candidate and the data necessary for the future sale of the vacancy: possible motives for changing jobs, decision criteria, who can influence the decision-making and contacts of his “agents of influence”. Oddly enough, identifying and fixing the motives for making a candidate’s decision is a rather rare phenomenon in the recruiting environment. Recent trends in the market change indicate that in the coming years, the methods of personnel search and selection will change significantly. What changes await HR managers and employees of HR / recruiting companies in 5-10 years, today no one can say for sure. Just as computers and the world wide web have changed the way we search for products, the rapid changes in the world of business and new technologies will change recruiting so that it will become unrecognizable even for the veterans of the business. It remains only to wait until the worldwide database, which contains information on every professional, will make the search for candidates easier and more accessible for every HR specialist. that it will become unrecognizable even for veterans of this business. It remains only to wait until the worldwide database, which contains information on every professional, will make the search for candidates easier and more accessible for every HR specialist. that it will become unrecognizable even for veterans of this business. It remains only to wait until the worldwide database, which contains information on every professional, will make the search for candidates easier and more accessible for every HR specialist. The article was prepared by the service Produce my research paper buy college research paper