Our bodies are constantly working to maintain homeostasis, or balance. One thing that can throw this balance off is stress. Stress is a natural part of life and we must find ways to embrace it rather than try to avoid it. One of the best ways to do this is by using it as a driver for positive change. The tipping point, however comes when we are overwhelmed or crippled from stress and we cannot move forward with our lives . This is because everything has become too much on us mentally/emotionally and as a result, all other aspects in life suffer (work performance suffers). It’s at these moments, you must pause, reevaluate the situation and make deliberate changes. to alter the direction you are going.

The key is to find balance. It’s important that we don’t let stress overwhelm us or cripple our lives from moving forward, but rather use it as a driver for positive change and make deliberate changes when necessary in order maintain the equilibrium of life.

Journaling is a tool, I use regularly to manage stress. I suggest, that in your journal, write three bullet points about how you can re frame your beliefs. Let me break this down for you.

– Understand that stress is a normal part of life. Learn to reframe your beliefs and mindset when it comes with how you view, experience or handle the stresses in your life. There are many benefits from understanding what we can do differently about them (stressors). Knowing these benefits, will help us maintain equilibrium within ourselves as well for all situations.

When you see a stressful situation, take a moment to breathe and ask yourself these questions:

– What is the worst thing that could happen? – How will I respond if it does occur (plan ahead)? This way you can prepare for any outcome. It’s important not only as an adults to learn these skills, but also when we are training our children.

– What can I do to help myself feel better? – Who is there for me if things get tough and what are they doing or saying that helps. This way you have a support system in place when the time comes, which will be helpful no matter how big of an issue it may seem like at first glance (stress or). Our community, or support system is key in management stress.

– What is the best thing that could happen? – How will I respond if it does occur (plan ahead)? This way you can prepare for any outcome. It’s important not only as an adults to learn these skills, but also when we are training our children . We want them prepared and ready, for as parents, its our job to guide our children, and help learn how to think critically

So, in conclusion, stress is not necessary a bad thing. Once you learn how to properly harness its power, it can be an important driver for amazing transformation and change. Mindset and perspective in life is everything. By re framing our words, we can find further meaning in life, despite the ups and downs that comes with growth. For more coaching tips, to help you reframe your thoughts, please feel free to visit me at http://www.holisticwellnessstrategies.com or book a free virtual consultation using the link https://go.oncehub.com/SalesTeamPage-XMPG8WF3TD.


  • Dr. Tomi Mitchell

    M.D | Leadership Coach| Wellness & Productivity Coach

    Dr. Tomi Mitchell Holistic Wellness Strategies

    Dr. Tomi Mitchell, MD, empowers executives, lawyers, doctors, business owners, and other leaders to eliminate burnout and increase workplace productivity and relationships.  She uses her three-step framework, Embrace, Evaluate & Energize, to empower her clients to have clarity. 

    As a public speaker and trainer, she brings energy to the crowd, captures their attention, and gives them clear, actionable steps to apply immediately to their life. Dr. Tomi Mitchell believes in getting to the root causes of life's challenges, instead of taking a temporary BandAid approach to life. She is a writer, with a book coming out in Summer 2023. She is also the host of The Mental Health & Wellness Show.  To learn more about her framework, check out the following link: Learn More.