Remember those epic moments when you saw your favorite bands in concert or the nostalgia to hear an album you revered in high school. Or how you repress the urge to dance to your favorite song while you’re shopping. Few things are as reaffirming as listening to their songs over ambient sound in the food court or the bakery aisle. Music speaks to our soul. That’s part of the calming ability of music and how it can help you relax, give you energy while running, or even help you focus at work or school.
Thanks to science, this range of emotions are not merely anecdotal. Listening to music provides tangible benefits, including the direct correlation between music and stress relief. Understanding the chemical reactions that your brain generates with sounds is key to unleashing the relaxing magic of music. Even if you already know how compelling music can be, now you can explain it through the science of sound.
Beat Stress with BPM — Beats Per Minute
Music can reduce stress and positively influence your body in many ways. You may be wondering, “Is this true of all music?” “Does the type of scale make a difference?” And what if you don’t like classical music — can it still help you?
It turns out that taste has a lot to do with it. The same piece of music affects listeners differently, depending on their musical tendencies, what they grew up listening to, and the different emotional ties established with a song. Perception is a powerful indicator in determining how sound will affect an individual. This is very similar to the way your experiences shape the unique wiring of your brain. So if you don’t like folk music, there is no shame in staying away from these vibrant bands.
Before we move on to how PPM impacts stress, other indicators predict how a song might affect it — whether it’s lively or quiet, suitable for study or party. Major scales are often associated with upbeat and predictable pop songs. In contrast, minor scales appear to be sadder, more complex, and dissonant. This also works well with voice and intonation. As a funny experiment, find your favorite upbeat song on a smaller scale on YouTube and listen to the mood swing. Take on Me by A-Ha sounds like an unreleased scene from The Phantom of the Opera.
Measures for every occasion: music to relieve stress or to cheer you up
The inextricable link between music and stress relief allows you to use sounds and create a productive rhythm for every part of your day. Whether you’re preparing for an exam, exercising, or sleeping, all it takes is finding the correct PPM range.
Wake up with courage! Many people have their favorite dance song set as an alarm, giving them a great start to their morning. Look for that upbeat pop song, above the 120 PPM mark, for waking up on the right side of the bed every day.
Sweat the stress. Nothing gets the blood pumping like a custom playlist. Workout routines vary in intensity and duration, so design your list with a range of louder songs ranging from 120 to 160 PPM: more movement = more pulsations.
Go to work the greenway. The average person walks at a rate of 120 steps per minute. Listening to music in this range will help you keep up with bumps and bumps. Pedaling a bike requires the same pace — unless you have to fight the wind, going up to 160-180 PPM.
Being “in the zone.” Like musical tastes, finding a creative flow varies from person to person. Instrumental music between 50-80 PPM is ideal for studying, working, or reading. Within this range, your brain enters a productive rhythm.
Cook success. Again, the dependable 120 PPM is recommended for a perfectly orchestrated dinner — something faster would push you to gobble it all up—the real key to pairing food and music in context. Look for songs full of flavor that fit the spirit of the occasion.
Breathe deeply. Like the creative flow, soft melodies around 50-80 PPM can induce a meditative state. Find instrumental music that relaxes you. Clear your mind and focus on measuring your breathing to quiet your thoughts.
Sweet Dreams. Music around 60 ppm can induce alpha brain waves — excellent for relaxation and sleep after listening to them for about 45 minutes. Relax with the fitting soundtrack to enjoy a stress-free rest.
Check out this YouTube channel Healing Cinema – Soothing Relaxation.
The channel features healing through music with corresponding visuals. Our music method stimulates the brain into a specific state using invigorating sound to encourage your brain waves to align with the audio frequency. It’s supposed to help induce enhanced focus, entranced state, relaxation, and sleep. The audible brainwave entertainment reduces anxiety, pain, and other symptoms and improves behavioral problems in adults and children.
You can visit by it searching it on Youtube or by clicking on this link.
This channel also features:
- Binaural Beats
- Chakra I Aura Cleansing Music
- Lo-fi Beats for Study
- Lucid Dreaming Music
- Meditation Music
- White Noise (Ambient Sounds, Rain Sounds, Water, Nature Sounds)