HINT: It’s OK — don’t be shy or afraid that you are not getting great outcomes, its ok to feel like a failure — and get over that barrier, and you will get there.


I wanted to launch my own business in 2014/15 [helping women create a minimalist wardrobe], I started with a bang, I took an online group program that helped ‘wannabe entrepreneurs’ such as myself realize that dream! The program was called zero to launch http://zerotolaunchsystem.com
I took massive action, wrote an ultimate guide to creating a minimalist wardrobe and even won a seat in a private mastermind group in New York. It felt good; the world was my oyster…..and then I went QUIET!

Totally QUIET! Not intentional but my LIFE got in the way, in a way that I did not imagine….

My father passed on ( it was really hard, because my dad was not talking to me for nearly 6 years, and when he finally got around, and we agreed to meet, he DIES of a heart attack the day before I flew in to meet!!) ….it was hard, it’s as if we were never meant to meet. I was looking forward to him meeting my children etc….
My husband’s work took a significant change which meant I had to reconfigure my life….

All these were happening at the same time that I put building my business on hold.


Did I feel like a FAILURE? I sure did,one of the biggest challenge any entrepreneur knows is momentum, consistency and taking action. But then I told myself, I still have the passion in me, this is just a minor detour, I needed to live in the NOW, sort my life, my children, etc…and in the background, I still kept researching….taking small steps, 0.1% small steps, 1% small steps…


Fast forward two years, from minimalist wardrobe I have pivoted to career relaunch (www.thecareer2.com) — reflecting my own circumstance and a gap in the market….plus I am incorporating all the hard work I did for the minimalist wardrobe into my career coaching…

From not moving a needle beyond my ultimate guide for my minimalist wardrobe to getting accepted to be a guest blogger on several sites where my target audience resides ( women who have taken a career break and want to relaunch their career and women just starting out and want to land their dream job)….


  1. Just know that it’s OK if you are not the one blazing ahead with mega outcomes — I am sure your facebook and twitter feed is saturated with “hey look at my $30,000 launch, hey look it took me only 3 days or 30 days to achieve my $800,000 launch….no disrespect to those success stories, I am just saying it’s okay if you are not there YET.
  2. Take small steps just 1% improvement each day is going to make you 37 times better in a year versus 1% worse each year results in 0.03 times worse…
  3. Take small steps, baby steps….and you will get there!

So for all you who dream of launching your own business, whether it be freelancing, coaching, physical product, etc….the secret to being a successful entrepreneur is TAKING ACTION…..just remember its a marathon not a sprint.

My process was eloquently discussed in this article [that inspired me to share my story] http://www.wilowallstreet.com/richer/the-eighth-wonder/


Shamanth is a writer, mentor and the founder of Career 2.0, an online mentorship program that makes landing your dream job sexy, stress free and fun. To book a FREE Career Breakthrough Strategy Call sign up here.

Originally published at medium.com