DISC, short for dominant, influence or interactive, steadiness, and conscientiousness, is a personality and behavioral test taken by individuals who seek a deeper understanding of what causes them to be who they are and do the things they do. Companies implement the test to understand what motivates their employees and find perfect fits for individuals and jobs. As an executive and real estate professional of over a decade, Ross Burack understands the significance behind finding out what motivates employees.   

The DISC test is based on Dr. William Moulton Marstons’ work, who created the concept of DISC (Dominance, Influence, Submission, and Compliance) in 1928.  By truthfully answering the questions on the test, a personality profile becomes apparent.  People may fall solely into one category or find themselves with characteristics from several.  Reading the test and gaining perspective of what drives individuals offers a leg up to understanding how the working environment can reach its potential. 

Using DISC during the application and interview process of new hires aids in fitting the right individual to the correct position.  

A quick overview of what DISC stands for and how it relates to personality follows.

D for Dominance:  A person who scores high in dominance tends to be forthright, assertive, forceful, demanding, and is often motivated by competition. D’s tend to make good leaders who are not afraid of making quick decisions.

I for Influence or Interactive:  Individuals that have the ability to influence others by talking and tend to be emotional fall under this category. Words that describe this group are: bubbly, political, persuasive, engaging, optimistic, and trusting.

S for Steadiness (Submission in Marstons’ concept):  Falling under this category means the person likes a steady pace with little or no change. 

Characteristics that define this group are calm, relaxed, patient, deliberate, and predictable.

C for Conscientiousness: 

This final group of people prefers structured lives with a penchant for adhering to rules and not bucking the system. 

Cautious, accurate, tactful, neat, and diplomatic are a few descriptive words that define who they are.

People fall into a variety of categories being strong in one but showing characteristics of another as well. Employees who take the test are given insight into who they are.  Becoming self-aware opens the horizons to new possibilities within the company.   Human resource personnel can use DISC as yet another tool in the quest for finding the right person for an available job. 

Companies benefit from implementing DISC and learning their employees’ characteristics with reduced stress and conflict, and improving communication and time-management skills.  For Ross Burack, there is never wrong in attaining a higher level of personal understanding and awareness. By leveraging DISC tools, business owners and entrepreneurs such as Ross Burack can more effectively establish a team that will ultimately drive revenue and overall company growth. For more business tips and tricks from Ross Burack, check out his website or connect on LinkedIn!  
