For a lot of women, a trip to the salon can feel like a hassle. There’s nothing worse than sitting in a chair for over an hour and paying a small sum only to leave with that “oh no what have they done to me?” feeling once you caught a glimpse of your new hairdo in the mirror. Well, enter Roy Teeluck, founder of Roy Teeluck Salon in New York City.
A tenet in the hairstyling industry for decades, Roy Teeluck has established himself as an encapsulation of the hair industry and an eye for how it is defined. With a commitment to unparalleled service, style and excellence, Teeluck’s process promises to bring out each customer’s unique beauty through a warm and memorable salon experience, delivered with high-class results every time.
Read on for more on Roy, his background as well as insight into his Park Ave salon!
Can you tell us about how you got your start in the hair industry?
Roy Teeluck (RT): My career started right after high school when my mom came home from the hair salon and said that her stylist needed a shampoo boy to help him out. I obliged, and while I did not initially see hair styling as my destiny and was worried about what my friends would say, I applied for the job and was taken under Angelo’s wing.
How do you work to make women feel confident each time they leave your salon?
RT: Well that’s assuming they are not confident upon arrival and just seeking a boost of “empowerment”- it takes maintenance you know! But otherwise, I help them simply by creating a fitting environment that takes away the intimidation they might feel initially walking through the door. Once inside, they find an unexpected reception and are immediately comfortable and accepting to the experience we offer.
How do your clients exude self confidence?
RT: Beauty has its way of empowering an individual. Empowerment will exude self confidence, and I have seen it happen over and over with my clients over the years.
Why is making women feel their best so important to you?
RT: This is my favorite question of all time. For me, by empowering others it consequently empowers me. It’s a reward that ultimately pushes me to constantly put out my best work. The old saying goes, “you’re only as good as your last haircut” and that phrase has followed me for years!
Can you tell us about your product line?
RT: My product line has been a journey. Part of my role for my clients is to “keep it simple” whether it’s by providing easy to work with haircuts but also educating on all sorts of issues with the hair itself, meaning minimizing products at home that simply don’t fit into your routine. I chose to create a collagen based serum for the scalp promoting stronger/healthier regrowth and a shampoo/conditioner that not only cleanses the hair and scalp gently but works for all types of hair.
I also could not resist adding what I call a novelty to the experience through scent: one to invigorate, one to calm and finally one that ignites romance. I believe that the scent infused in my product combined with that rare moment alone in the shower with a nice steam build-up opens the nasal passage and enhances the effect of scent and how it can influence your mood.
Can you tell us about the new Roy Teeluck Salon?
RT: I first established Roy Teeluck Salon in 2003, as I was on the rise to becoming an industry leader for cut and color standards. My philosophy of creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for my loyal clientele, A-list stars being among them, resulted in a true beauty haven in the heart of midtown Manhattan.
The salon, fixated in a sprawling Park Avenue townhouse, is filled with state-of-the-art furniture, cozy wood panel floors and is stocked with the latest and greatest hair tools and technologies to hit the market. My new salon is my crowning career move. Everything that has been achieved so far in my “exclusive townhouse” and in my 36 year career represents where I think the industry is moving for the artisanal approach.
We’ve managed to block out the noise that clutters our lives and take a moment to enjoy each other in an intimate safe place. Everyone knows I can do hair, and find other talent, but to offer everything that says “Roy” I had to find the place that suited my reputation and nothing less would have sufficed for those who know me.
What are 3 tips to anyone starting their own business?
RT: To put it simply, I have to quote Winston Churchill: “Never never never give up”
What are your favorite things to do to unwind after a long week?
RT: I’m a terrible poker player, but it is the other thing other than cutting hair that keeps me super involved and focused. My lifestyle otherwise keeps me very active, since I’m a proud New Yorker.
Where do you see the salon model growing/changing in the future?
RT: I believe that my parcour has landed me a unique opportunity to beacon for other potential industry colleagues on how we service our clients and what it means to them. Any fool can cut hair but at our level we have to offer more. It will ultimately change in the future the same way the internet did, but in reverse- it’ll bring us closer together!
Where can readers go to book an appointment or learn more?
RT: To schedule an appointment (located at: 130 East 65th St), feel free to check out my website, www.royteeluck.com or follow me on Instagram, @royteeluckinc.
Photos: ℅ @RoyTeeluckInc