We are in the grip of one of the world’s biggest crises in the modern century…
It has impacted our lives in the most negative ways possible, and continues to overreach into our daily interactions, prompting us to retreat to the safety of our homes and only ever leaving when we need to purchase essentials.
But more than our daily lives, it negatively impacted our kids’ learning.
Of course, this isn’t a ground for us to stay down. In fact, it’s the perfect to opportunity to seek out and discover new ways your child can learn, even if it’s outside the four corners of a traditional classroom
How to Prepare for Distance Learning
More and more schools are closing, and because of this current crisis, you hear lots of people (parents and instructors mainly) talk about online learning.
But what exactly makes digital learning successful? And how do you prepare for digital learning in your own home, so your child’s education doesn’t have to stop at the mercy of a crisis?
#1 Create a learning space
The four corners of a classroom is a learning space. You need to simulate that same learning space for your child when they’re having online learning sessions. Of course, not all of us have a room in the house dedicated to being turned into a classroom. So creativity and resourcefulness is key here.
If the learning space has to be at the dinner table, for instance, then keep pencils, notebooks, textbooks, etc. in a pack nearby. Keep everything they need within easy reach. That way, you won’t be looking for them frantically when it’s time to work.
Learning spaces don’t have to be fancy… They just need to be conducive.
#2 Opt for headphones over loud speakers
If and when it’s possible, let your child use headphones. Headphones are useful for filtering out any background noise inside the home. And it usually keeps your child more focused on the instructor. And it’s not like you’ll be leaving them to their own devices, you’ll be there supporting and guiding them in using a headset.
#3 Do practice runs
You need to make the learning space at home as conducive as possible. So do practice runs. Test out your technology and make sure everything is up and running, and in perfect working order before your child goes into online learning sessions. This way, you have ample time to troubleshoot problems and even prevent them from happening.
Be patient with yourself, especially if you’re new to the entire thing.
#4 Make expectations clear
Ensure that your child is clear on what you expect from them, and what they can expect from digital learning. Make sure they know that they’re still expected to be attentive to the teacher; to listen and participate.
It’s for the best if you minimize distractions. Keep the television off, and other entertainment gadgets away so your child knows how to mute and un-mute themselves, wholly focusing on the lesson at hand.
Of course, this style of learning can be relatively new for them, and it will take a little bit of getting used to. Offer positive feedback and encouragement when they do well.
#5 Eat before learning
A hungry stomach is distracting. So when it’s time to learn, make sure your child has eaten something. A filling meal is preferable, or at least a snack. Make sure they have access to water, and that they have used the washroom quite recently. This minimizes interruptions and the need to get up during the designated class hours.