Now that we are in lock-down, we finally begin to realise that money doesn’t matter as much as we thought. The expensive clothes, flash cars and the obscenely costly perfumes, all ultimately mean nothing!

For the first time many begin to understand that it is the time to finally look within ourselves for answers to find peace and fulfillment

Lets us focus on the things we HAVE rather what we dont have; HEALTH, FAMILY, FREE HOURS, FRESH AIR, CLEAR RIVERS AND CANALS, BOOKS…

If you were made redundant, can you find positives in it? Perhaps it is an opportunity for a new beginning? If you are a business owner, can you use this time to invest in your education, get creative, adapt to changes and find a way out the box? Open yourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities without forcing things to happen, let them come to you.

Like Rumi Said: ‘We seek outside the wonders we carry inside us’.

I know that there are many people stuck in the jobs they dont not like, trading their happiness for a salary. I was one of them until I changed my path, choosing unknown over known and having faith in the actions I took. I may have less money and go on less holiday but the piece I find inside, outweighs everything else

Focus on what you CAN DO, not what you can’t

Instead of sitting around putting attention the obvious negatives, can you focus on what you can improve? FITNESS, RELATIONSHIP, EDUCATION, SELF? Go for a walk or a run, spend time with the kids, learn new things, quiet your mind…

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the whole situation. The negativity of media is all around us. But instead of letting the environment control our thoughts and emotions, why not channel this energy into something positive. Our lives are not just about us. It is also about the lives of others we touch and difference we make.

I am focusing on me. To become conscious of my thoughts, emotions and actions. To learn to express my feelings and connect with people from whom I can learn and also be useful to. To be more patient with the kids and more open minded.

I am also beginning to realise what is important and how I want to build my life. I listen to inspiring books and podcasts. Neville Goddard, Bob Proctor, Dr Joe Dispenza, Napoleon Hill…their council I chose to surround myself with.

We all have a choice on how to live our lives. I hope you make the right one for you. In the mean time, switch off the news, ignore the chaos wherever possible, look within, and find some solace somewhere before rebuilding a better life for yourself.