COVID-19 has left the world scared, worried, and unsettled; it’s natural for people to feel emotionally vulnerable and uncertain during these unprecedented times. Never-before-seen measures have become the norm: Lockdown, stay-at-home, and social distancing seem to be the only way to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, reports have shownthe mental and emotional health of people has been deteriorating because of the pandemic. Due to the prolonged isolation caused by lockdowns, it is natural to develop feelings of restlessness and depression. It is imperative that you prioritize your emotional, mental, and physical health.
Here’s what Ram Duriseti has to suggest
The pandemic lockdown measures can affect people differently. While some introverts find comfort in the solitary nature of staying at home, others can develop feelings of restlessness. Those already dealing with mental illnesses should heed the direction of their doctors and therapists. Additional suggestions from emergency medicine doctor Ram Duriseti are as follows:
1. Don’t get obsessed with the news
Staying updated with the latest pandemic news and treatment progress is good. However, it is unhealthy when staying informed turns into an obsession; it can increase anxiety and stress. You might start feeling fatigued, overeat at times, or skip meals and develop body aches. Anxiety and stress can lead to the development of other unhealthy habits such as poor eating and sleeping regimens. Instead of searching your social media for news, turn to non-biased, research-based sources to stay informed.
2. Maintain the basic sanitation protocols under all circumstances
It is crucial to follow all health protocols put in place by your local government. When these things, e.g. proper glove and mask usage and sanitation, are followed, you are contributing to the effort to combat COVID-19. Following these protocols can also lessen unsavory encounters with those attempting to enforce the restrictions.
3. Seek company and solace in friends and family
Spend time with your family and friends. Your loved ones can be a good outlet for releasing stress, as they can most likely empathise with what you’re going through. You can stay in touch with your friends through video calls and texts.
4. Start writing a journal
One of the best ways to stay positive and release some stress is by writing a journal. Daily diary entries can allow you to process them more efficiently. Appropriately processing your feelings can allow you to stay calm and grounded.
Emotional health is essential for the correct functioning of the physical and mental self. The pandemic has raised the alarm and caution. Following the above-mentioned tactics will help you to manage your emotions better.
The aforementioned tactics can allow you to address any emotional turmoil caused by your unique living situation. The unprecedented times manifested by the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many to address their emotional health in ways they haven’t before. Taking care of your emotional health will better prepare you to take care of your physical and mental health as well.