I’m taking my own advice and focusing on:
– My breath
– How the air feels going in and out of my lungs
– How the air feels on my skin
– Noticing any sounds
– Feeling my heart beating in my chest
By focusing on just these things I am in THIS moment. In THIS moment I am connected to the Source of all Creation.
By connecting to Source I am connected to Love.
When I’m connected to Love I’m powerful beyond measure, I’m whole and I am safe – even if it’s only in THIS moment.
But THIS moment is a the only one that counts.
In every moment we have the power to CHOOSE a course of action versus reacting to outside circumstances and events. All things in moderation are GOOD things. The fact is that drinking too much water can kill you. So can exercise, both these things in moderation are great but even ‘good’ things can become not so good when overindulged in.
I’ve heard some people say that it’s okay to engage in any behaviors that make you feel good, in order to get through these uncertain times. An untrained food addiction recovery ‘coach’ has posted numerous times that it’s okay to eat whatever you want. I’ve seen similar posts about drugs and alcohol. Giving an addict permission to indulge in their drug of choice is extremely dangerous. Making blanket statements of any kind can cause way more harm than good.
While I can see the thought process behind this statement, the fact is, if by doing so it causes harm, then engaging in whatever behavior makes you feel better, could in fact, be a form of self harming behaviors.
Engaging in Self Indulgence is NOT a form of Self Care
If you are really struggling then PLEASE reach out to a TRAINED professional who was the education and the tools to support you and help you to make empowered choices that FEED your Mind, Body and Soul.
Let’s face it we are living in unprecedented times in modern history. It’s really stressful and it’s OKAY to NEED help, to ASK for help and to RECIEVE the help you need.
I’m currently seeing a therapist who can help me move through some of my unprocessed grief and trauma because even professionals NEED help too at times. By seeking help to navigate through the tough emotional times in life that’s engaging in POWERFUL Self Love.
Any time we acknowledge that we need help, then ask for and allow ourselves to receive it, we are engaging in the ultimate form of Self Care. Move your body in ways that feel good, eat nutrient dense foods to fuel your activities, take naps when needed, sit quietly and focus on your breath, talk to friends, play with our animals or children, connect with the core of who you are. When we do we are engaging in Self Care that equals Self Love.
So when you feel overwhelmed with what’s unfolding in the world simply focus on:
– Your breath
– How the air feels going in and out of your lungs
– How the air feels on your skin
– Notice any sounds
– Feeling your heart beating in your chest
By focusing on just these things you are in THIS moment. In THIS moment you are connected to the Source of all Creation.
By connecting to Source of All Creation you are connected to Love.
When you are connected to Love you are powerful beyond measure, you are whole and your are safe – even if it’s only in THIS moment.
But THIS moment is a the only one that counts.