Now more than ever self awareness is essential. As we seek some sense of normalcy -think of setting up a self-care plan for sustainability and manageability.

Let’s get started…

*What do you need most- as it relates to work / life balance?

*List new priorities for you and your family. Meditate and pray over your new list. To everything there is a season.

*Examine your routine- remove activities that no longer support the lifestyle you want.

*Check In Emotionally… how do you feel?

*Listen to your body? How will you nourish your body?

*Plan your meals and movement (diet and exercise).

*Work on your personal growth and development during this time.

*What do you enjoy most? Make a happy list to focus on.

*Hire a Coach- or join a support group to reinforce your interest.


Stay positive with daily affirmations. Start each day with intention. These steps will help in maintaining self-care and well-being.

Be Well,


Take Time For SELF… Stillness and Silence allows you to HEAR.