We can all come to the conclusion that 2020 has been a year filled with anxiety and stress that we want to put behind us in the new year. Throughout this year, individuals have lost their jobs, their homes, or someone close to them and has had to take a moment just to breathe and be present with themselves. Amidst the effects of 2020, business owners and entrepreneurs also had to adapt to closing their business and adjusting to the same “new normal” that affected us all. Many people’s mental health has taken a toll in 2020 and is looking for effective self-care practice tips to ensure a successful 2021.
During 2020, many individuals were staying in their homes and had to re-evaluate the self-care practices they were currently implementing or start self-care practices that they might have never tried before. There is not a one-size-fits-all plan for self-care that anyone can follow. Self-care practices can come in five different forms such as physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional self-care. It is important to practice self-care daily to increase your well-being, which will lead to increased productivity, positivity, and morale. For many business owners, self-care is seen as a luxury and not a basic need, which can lead to feelings of overwhelming stress. It is important to make self-care a basic priority in 2021.
Mother of three and Founder and CEO of Retail Genius, Janice Fredricks-Spell has found many ways of self-care as she balances her successful consulting business, serving on numerous boards and committees and balancing three children. She is dedicated to sharing her self-care tips with business owners and entrepreneurs to help them ensure a successful 2021.
Here are a few tips for a busy entrepreneur that will ensure a successful 2021:
Just Breathe
One of the most important and satisfying self-care tips you can include in your daily practice is to breathe and be present. “Take a couple of minutes in the morning to be by yourself and be present with your surroundings,” stated Fredricks-Spell. Doing this act for a few minutes throughout the day will allow you to clear your mind and absorb all the positive energy that will help you succeed throughout the day.
Be Aware of Your Accomplishments
Take a moment to take inventory of all your great work and accomplishments that you have done in your industry as a small business owner and entrepreneur. “As a small business owner, we can get caught up in doing the next thing and working, making new goals, that we forget to celebrate our accomplishments,” stated Fredricks-Spell. Making new goals is good and exciting, but appreciate the work that you have already done.
Go Outside
In our current “new normal” of zoom meetings and the constant hours in front of a computer, we can forget to do the simple act of going outside. “Taking a couple of minutes throughout the day to go outside and soak up the fresh air and get some Vitamin D while increasing productivity and decreasing your stress levels,” suggested Fredricks-Spell. Also, if you have more time in between your daily meetings, taking a brisk walk outside can also relieve tension.
These self-care tips will benefit any busy small business owner or entrepreneur that are seeking ways to implement self-care into their daily routines.